03-23-2015, 06:26 AM
Rigel welcomed Tobias's help as he stood. "Whew thank you. May...maybe you're right. I'd only slow you down if I went with you." He tilted his head down, feeling ashamed of his big bloated body. "I just want to help you. Sometimes I feel useless being this freaking huge. It's so frustrating...", he trailed off, sounding disappointed in himself.
Letting out a quiet sigh, Rigel started towards the basement. "Let's just go get the flashlights now. I forgot there are some things down there I need to get. He opened the door, a loud creak emanating from the hinges. Flipping a light switch and descending the stairs, Rigel held onto one of the rails and cradled his belly. "I inherited this place from my grandparents, and they held onto a lot of things during their life, including an old bassinet and crib. I'm hoping they're still good."
Letting out a quiet sigh, Rigel started towards the basement. "Let's just go get the flashlights now. I forgot there are some things down there I need to get. He opened the door, a loud creak emanating from the hinges. Flipping a light switch and descending the stairs, Rigel held onto one of the rails and cradled his belly. "I inherited this place from my grandparents, and they held onto a lot of things during their life, including an old bassinet and crib. I'm hoping they're still good."