04-18-2015, 11:09 PM
Penny's was a good half hour drive to get to, well on the other side of town, and by the time they got there it was just a little after ten - normally just a bit before Michael usually turned in for the night. But the company and conversation over good food, and his anticipation of being able to hold Amy in his arms as they spun around the dance floor was keeping a small but steady supply of adrenaline in his veins, and he squeezed his girlfriend's hand as they pulled into the parking lot a moment later.
Like Khaavren's, the place was packed to the brim, as would be expected at the beginning of the weekend, and even after managing to find a park, they had to wait in line for a while before they finally managed to get inside. Once inside, surrounded by thundering music on all sides, Michael turned to Amy and said with a grin, "Would you like anything from the bar?"
Like Khaavren's, the place was packed to the brim, as would be expected at the beginning of the weekend, and even after managing to find a park, they had to wait in line for a while before they finally managed to get inside. Once inside, surrounded by thundering music on all sides, Michael turned to Amy and said with a grin, "Would you like anything from the bar?"