04-25-2015, 10:19 PM
Amy had rushed to bathroom after Michael left. She was very nervous about what she had to tell him later, and much more about what she needed to do. It made her stomach feel uneasy, and the biological processes inside her body already nauseated her enough for this. She splashed some water on her face and looked at herself in the mirror.
"Amy..." she said to herself. "This will be okay. He may not take to the idea at first, but...he's the right person. The perfect person. And you'll take good care of him. You will." She took a few deep breaths and slowly walked back to their table.
"Amy..." she said to herself. "This will be okay. He may not take to the idea at first, but...he's the right person. The perfect person. And you'll take good care of him. You will." She took a few deep breaths and slowly walked back to their table.