09-25-2015, 06:17 AM
Hitsugi happily shook Alex's hand, laughing lightly and waving off the other's nervous behavior. "Yeah. I was a bit worried you'd left. I'm glad I was wrong." He said, letting go of his hand and going to get something off his bike. "Its great to finally meet you. I've been hoping to really explore this cave for so long, but too afraid to go alone." He said, returning to Alex with his bag. He rummaged through it and pulled out a pair of headlamps.
"I may be a bit over-prepared." He chuckled, offering one to Alex before putting his own on. "I guess we should get to it." He nodded, motioning to the mouth of the cave, a wide smile stuck on his face.
"I may be a bit over-prepared." He chuckled, offering one to Alex before putting his own on. "I guess we should get to it." He nodded, motioning to the mouth of the cave, a wide smile stuck on his face.