09-28-2015, 06:32 AM
Alex looked to Hitsugi weakly after his pushes offered little in the way of results. "W-what are you..." He let out a deep moan though, as his friend reached inside him, gently pulling the egg along. He felt a strong tingling sensation start from the base of his skull, and move toward the tips of his clawed feet, causing him to cry out as he continued to push. Still, the egg finally moved and the tip bulged out, spreading him wide to try and free it.
Practically collapsing against the pillows and blankets that made up the nest on the bed, Alex panted to try and catch his breath. His groans grew louder, and small beads of sweat still soaked his body, as he moved his claws to massage the pained sphere that was his midsection. "Ooooh...this one...huuuurts." He managed to wince to Hitsugi, as he bent his knees, resting them outside their nest. "P-please...just...get it oooOOOOOOOUT!" He cried out in pain.
Practically collapsing against the pillows and blankets that made up the nest on the bed, Alex panted to try and catch his breath. His groans grew louder, and small beads of sweat still soaked his body, as he moved his claws to massage the pained sphere that was his midsection. "Ooooh...this one...huuuurts." He managed to wince to Hitsugi, as he bent his knees, resting them outside their nest. "P-please...just...get it oooOOOOOOOUT!" He cried out in pain.