10-24-2015, 07:11 AM
Hitsugi had tried just standing there, but as each contraction came quicker after the last, he found nothing was happening. "Eggs....must be easier..." He panted, standing up a little more and starting to slowly walk around the room. Maybe the motion would help things come down more. "I remember....seeing a show about birth....The cervix has to dialate before anything happens." He said, panting and huffing between words. He paused and groaned loudly through another contraction.
He shifted slightly, arms under his swollen middle and tail raised, gasping and closing his eyes tightly. "F-fuck!" He cried out, feeling the pressure get even worse before a sudden pop could be heard and fluid gushed out of him. He staggered and grabbed the wall, panting harshly. He dropped into a squat right there, crying out as he pushed. "S-something's coming! Oh god!" he gasped, feeling something within him enter his birth canal.
He shifted slightly, arms under his swollen middle and tail raised, gasping and closing his eyes tightly. "F-fuck!" He cried out, feeling the pressure get even worse before a sudden pop could be heard and fluid gushed out of him. He staggered and grabbed the wall, panting harshly. He dropped into a squat right there, crying out as he pushed. "S-something's coming! Oh god!" he gasped, feeling something within him enter his birth canal.