11-03-2015, 09:09 PM
-I was taken back from the kiss, a flood of emotions were going through me- S...Sam...
(Dr.Myers) Yes it will be like a normal pregnancy nine mouths and all, we have had others report being able to communicate in the past so I would say yes the two of you woud be able to commuincate. Well after his reborn there are a few ways to age him back to his current age but we will talk more about it when the times comes. So are the both of you ok with this, we could have all of this done in hour, and Sam you would need to be admited and watch over night just to be sure the embryo is not rejected.
(Dr.Myers) Yes it will be like a normal pregnancy nine mouths and all, we have had others report being able to communicate in the past so I would say yes the two of you woud be able to commuincate. Well after his reborn there are a few ways to age him back to his current age but we will talk more about it when the times comes. So are the both of you ok with this, we could have all of this done in hour, and Sam you would need to be admited and watch over night just to be sure the embryo is not rejected.