12-29-2015, 11:05 PM
Livian laughed then waved off Tobias' question. "He'll have to answer that for you. A lady has to have her secrets. And don't let him distract you. I'm sure you two have been occupying the other's time in much more fun ways than reading books."
She stood, went into the kitchen and brought the cheese and bread into the living area. "Now we can have as much as we like as often." She pointed to the knife. "Help yourself. I am always baking. Never know when this one will decide to pay a visit. He did frighten my poor husband away, Tobias? I can't ask him. He'll say no."
She stood, went into the kitchen and brought the cheese and bread into the living area. "Now we can have as much as we like as often." She pointed to the knife. "Help yourself. I am always baking. Never know when this one will decide to pay a visit. He did frighten my poor husband away, Tobias? I can't ask him. He'll say no."