03-18-2016, 01:52 AM
"I see..." Meyer nodded his head, processes sing the information he had received. Now that he understood, a different question popped into his mind.
"Um, about how many children would does your kind usually have with a human?" He asked, adjusting himself so he sat cross-legged on the bed, awaiting the answer. Part of his mind wondered if their act from earlier could have impregnated him already, but he doubted that. It was pretty hard to do that, at least he thought, but he wasn't quite sure.
"Um, about how many children would does your kind usually have with a human?" He asked, adjusting himself so he sat cross-legged on the bed, awaiting the answer. Part of his mind wondered if their act from earlier could have impregnated him already, but he doubted that. It was pretty hard to do that, at least he thought, but he wasn't quite sure.