Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20)

Skye had felt as though the hypnosis on him was finally lifted, he had rubbed his eyes and had rubbed his swollen stomach affectionately. Walking to where he had heard the sound of rushing water. He had sat near the tub and had smiled up at her master, getting into the hot bath that was made for him and him alone. "Thank you Master. I really needed this."

Messages In This Thread
Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-10-2016, 04:27 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-10-2016, 04:39 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-10-2016, 04:45 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-10-2016, 07:12 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-10-2016, 09:00 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-10-2016, 09:47 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-11-2016, 08:39 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-11-2016, 09:43 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-12-2016, 01:19 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-12-2016, 02:23 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-12-2016, 03:45 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-12-2016, 04:17 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-12-2016, 07:11 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-13-2016, 01:51 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-13-2016, 04:39 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-13-2016, 04:43 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-13-2016, 04:49 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-13-2016, 05:02 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-13-2016, 07:26 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-13-2016, 08:15 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-13-2016, 08:20 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-13-2016, 08:24 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-14-2016, 01:39 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-14-2016, 01:44 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-14-2016, 06:58 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-14-2016, 08:52 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-15-2016, 01:39 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-15-2016, 02:34 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-15-2016, 05:08 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-15-2016, 06:38 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-15-2016, 07:49 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-15-2016, 08:15 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-15-2016, 10:09 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-15-2016, 10:15 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-16-2016, 03:17 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-16-2016, 03:26 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-16-2016, 06:17 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-16-2016, 06:25 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-17-2016, 01:06 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-17-2016, 01:43 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-17-2016, 02:21 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-17-2016, 02:32 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-17-2016, 06:20 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-17-2016, 06:34 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-18-2016, 10:21 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-21-2016, 01:46 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-21-2016, 03:21 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-21-2016, 10:55 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-22-2016, 01:01 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-22-2016, 08:54 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-22-2016, 11:11 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-26-2016, 03:09 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-26-2016, 04:33 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-27-2016, 01:21 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-27-2016, 04:42 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-29-2016, 10:15 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-30-2016, 12:19 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 03-30-2016, 01:58 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 03-30-2016, 05:45 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 04-03-2016, 03:35 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 04-03-2016, 07:32 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 04-06-2016, 07:56 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 04-07-2016, 12:12 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 04-25-2016, 09:29 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 04-25-2016, 11:04 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 04-25-2016, 11:14 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 04-26-2016, 05:51 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 04-26-2016, 08:21 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 04-26-2016, 09:57 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 04-26-2016, 09:59 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 04-27-2016, 11:43 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 04-28-2016, 12:17 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 04-28-2016, 07:44 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 04-29-2016, 08:13 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 04-29-2016, 09:25 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 05-03-2016, 03:37 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 05-03-2016, 05:05 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 05-03-2016, 11:22 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 05-04-2016, 01:45 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 05-05-2016, 03:43 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 05-07-2016, 02:04 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 05-15-2016, 01:12 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 05-15-2016, 01:33 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 05-15-2016, 02:09 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 05-15-2016, 03:24 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 05-15-2016, 04:08 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 05-15-2016, 08:32 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 05-16-2016, 05:49 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 05-16-2016, 06:48 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 05-17-2016, 10:02 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 05-17-2016, 10:49 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 05-17-2016, 11:32 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 05-18-2016, 01:34 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 05-18-2016, 03:06 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 05-18-2016, 07:04 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 05-27-2016, 04:22 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 05-27-2016, 08:07 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 05-28-2016, 04:05 AM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by RelicDevachi - 05-28-2016, 09:28 PM
RE: Slave to the master. (Closed with Shane20) - by Shane20 - 05-29-2016, 06:46 PM

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