05-02-2016, 09:02 PM
It was a futile attempt and an otherwise dumb tactic to play. Shu fell right for the ploy and perhaps if Zhuge Liang were not presently ill, they might have found an actual way to lay siege to Fan Castle. They didn't and now they had very well lost one of their promising officers in the war.
"Killing him doesn't yield any beneficial consequence" he played with his long hair by twisting it through his fingers. He presently sat on the throne, where he usually resided when Cao Cao was not around. "Do you propose we do something else instead?"
Zhang Chunhua merely smiled through the dimly lit room. "Isn't he the son of Zhang Fei, one of those so called brothers?"
"Ah...yes...he is..." Sima Yi cackled briefly before bringing a hand to his chin. "That brash imbecile."
They continued to talk briefly to themselves a bit more when the idea had come to mind. They would break their captive by breaking his pride. What better a way to do so than to essentially crush what Zhang Fei held up as the idea of a male warrior?
They proposed the idea to their son Sima Zhao first, but the male would remain asleep well before even a word could slip their lips. Their other sons? Presently away from the castle, but there was still hope in the form of another nobility.
Xiahou Ba was relaxing in his room when they approached him. The male had been through some difficult moments in his life already for such a youthful age, having defected a few weeks ago due to the negligence of a particular leader. Intelligence clearly did not persevere in some family's, but the point was the usual armored clad male needed to feel like he belonged under the Xiahou family name again and to Wei. It wasn't hard to get him to see that this would be beneficial for him and to make it better, he was seduced with a spell.
It was noon of the following day when a meal was brought to Zhang Bao. It es brought before him in the same matter of which he was given food and drink before, not treated special because it had a spell laced throughout it all.
"Eat up" the guard commanded. "It'll be over soon."
"Killing him doesn't yield any beneficial consequence" he played with his long hair by twisting it through his fingers. He presently sat on the throne, where he usually resided when Cao Cao was not around. "Do you propose we do something else instead?"
Zhang Chunhua merely smiled through the dimly lit room. "Isn't he the son of Zhang Fei, one of those so called brothers?"
"Ah...yes...he is..." Sima Yi cackled briefly before bringing a hand to his chin. "That brash imbecile."
They continued to talk briefly to themselves a bit more when the idea had come to mind. They would break their captive by breaking his pride. What better a way to do so than to essentially crush what Zhang Fei held up as the idea of a male warrior?
They proposed the idea to their son Sima Zhao first, but the male would remain asleep well before even a word could slip their lips. Their other sons? Presently away from the castle, but there was still hope in the form of another nobility.
Xiahou Ba was relaxing in his room when they approached him. The male had been through some difficult moments in his life already for such a youthful age, having defected a few weeks ago due to the negligence of a particular leader. Intelligence clearly did not persevere in some family's, but the point was the usual armored clad male needed to feel like he belonged under the Xiahou family name again and to Wei. It wasn't hard to get him to see that this would be beneficial for him and to make it better, he was seduced with a spell.
It was noon of the following day when a meal was brought to Zhang Bao. It es brought before him in the same matter of which he was given food and drink before, not treated special because it had a spell laced throughout it all.
"Eat up" the guard commanded. "It'll be over soon."