05-03-2016, 04:55 AM
"Aha, so you speak English, do you?" Anansi said in an unidentifiable accent. It almost sounded like every world accent rolling in and out of each other between each syllable. "Pale visitors like you speak such a wide variety of languages: French, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Polish, Russian... It's always a delightful surprise finding out which one it will be this time or that time." He approached Benji again, this time yanking the entire hiking pack off his back. "Funny story," the spider said with a chuckle, "the first few times I saw these, I though you humans started evolving pouches out of your spines. Imagine my surprise when I shed them so easily from your bodies without causing you excruciating pain!" He started rifling through the many pockets looking for new treasures. Humans carried some of the most interesting treasures. "A sun stick!" he exclaimed delightedly and pulled out a flashlight. "These are one of my favorites. I have quite a number of them in my collection, but the tiny sun inside eventually burns out." Despite Anansi's casual effort of having a conversation, he maintained that fanged grin with a slightly maniacal gleam in his eyes.
"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the Spider to the Fly.