05-04-2016, 04:14 AM
"You're funny, my little pale Benji," Anansi said through a puff of laughter. He learned the human's name one day after hours and hours of pestering him for it. He leaned closer, chin resting on Benji's shoulder while his hands slid along until finding their own perch on the fecund swell. "They're still little. Like this," he said and showed a space between his fingers like the size of a peanut shell. "Even at full size, they're small. It's their numbers that are large. I'm sure I laid a few dozen into you. Perhaps..." Anansi spread his hands apart until showing something akin to a quadruplet or quintuplet-sized belly, "like this when you're all done? More or less like this, I think."
"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the Spider to the Fly.