08-04-2016, 07:18 PM
"I don't want to...startle you."She said when he asked her what it did, looking back at him as he followed her into the food gallery,"I know a lot of...cultures seem strange to humans. When it's only...normal for us."She licked her lips while they looked at each other,"You wanted to live...and you will."She turned around and began to open the shelves mounted on the wall, revealing boxes and cans of dried and wet food. She didn't known what he wanted so she just let him choose,"I'm not...picky."She replied, smiling some as she looked through what she had that would be edible for him,"My mother...she would say that the pickiest die first. A...scare tactic?"She wasn't sure about the word she used for it.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS