C Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite)

In the course of the days gone by, James for the most part, resumed some of his regular routines. One of which included making a public statement in regards of missing the opening game. The male merely shrugged it off to feeling under the weather, though there was more to it than just that. Private doctors were called in as the days went by. The male was gaining weight, which could not be explained. He ate the right things and even exercised. When he went for a checkup before, nothing was reported as odd, which allowed him to continue playing for a half of those days. That was until his belly was beginning to become too hard to cover. He went from wearing a short sleeve jersey to a long sleeve with another underneath to keep the belly hidden, which worked for the most part save for the problem in which he was beginning to waddle around. He had to feign an injury to stay off the field for a few weeks.

"I don't know how to explain this to you" the doctor stated nervously. The tests were performed and even a visual was given. Somehow, he was pregnant, which made his heart drop at how absurd he stated the woman before was.

He reached over for the blue folder he was given before and handed it over to the Doctor.

"It's highly possible with this research" the figure stated at last. "Illegal against someone's rights, but very possible."

"So then we can press charges" his manager stated. "I'll make sure a manhunt starts!"

It was James to interject however, bringing up the matter that not only was a male pregnant, but also one of their best athletes. While he wanted the woman to burn for doing this, going public about the situation was probably going to ruin him. He also doubt he wanted to deal with the team throwing jokes around about the matter.

"I still have the number" he sighed. "I refuse to call it though nor do I want her around for this..."

What good would it do though? She knew everything about the matter. James could be pregnant for a while or maybe soon. The doctor here could only figure out certain things as much as possible.

"So what if we call her over on the premise of no ill will while going through the method of still making sure evidence is provided" the manager offered on the downside. "If she herself seeks to press charges about the situation, we can provide the proper evidence and leave her in quite the ordeal."

That was something they could agree on. Getting James to call however was still the issue. The male was stubborn about the matter whether he wanted her to burn at this point or not. He was pregnant, something he in the first place didn't want to begin with. Only time he was planning to have children was when he was nearing his late twenties, not so early on. Regardless, it was happening and honestly he didn't know how to feel. So, it was the manager instead who made the call, the phone beginning to ring.

Messages In This Thread
Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 07-18-2016, 05:50 AM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by SRuiz - 07-18-2016, 04:47 PM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 07-18-2016, 11:23 PM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by SRuiz - 07-19-2016, 12:11 AM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 07-19-2016, 12:42 AM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by SRuiz - 07-19-2016, 01:31 AM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 07-19-2016, 05:56 AM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by SRuiz - 07-19-2016, 03:43 PM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 07-19-2016, 04:17 PM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by SRuiz - 07-19-2016, 06:22 PM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 07-20-2016, 12:32 AM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by SRuiz - 07-20-2016, 07:29 AM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 07-20-2016, 10:35 PM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by SRuiz - 07-21-2016, 05:37 AM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 07-21-2016, 06:01 PM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by SRuiz - 07-21-2016, 07:29 PM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 07-21-2016, 08:02 PM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by SRuiz - 07-22-2016, 07:20 AM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 07-22-2016, 05:00 PM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by SRuiz - 07-22-2016, 09:46 PM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 07-23-2016, 06:16 PM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by SRuiz - 07-26-2016, 01:02 AM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 07-26-2016, 02:19 AM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by SRuiz - 07-26-2016, 09:08 PM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 08-12-2016, 11:49 AM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by SRuiz - 08-12-2016, 08:29 PM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 08-12-2016, 09:22 PM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by SRuiz - 08-17-2016, 10:10 PM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 08-18-2016, 12:02 AM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by SRuiz - 08-18-2016, 05:13 AM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 08-20-2016, 11:20 AM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 10-31-2016, 01:39 AM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by SRuiz - 11-13-2016, 04:16 PM
RE: Obsession. (A RP between SRuiz and Lovebite) - by Lovebite - 12-26-2016, 02:49 PM

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