The female alien nodded simply,"You might be in pain, but we have to try."She said,"If not, then I have no idea when our next chance will be."She looked at him,"I know, it's not what we had in mind...but we have to adjust, and try to get our children out without harm."She brushed her knuckle over his jaw to comfort him slightly, like this he wouldn't be able to run but without being so burdened with eggs he would have a chance. Nori giggled when he said that, nodding and patting his belly, leaning forwards and kissing him softly,"I know. I know."She smiled softly and closed her eyes, hands resting on his middle. "Do you have an idea or two?"She asked, tilting her head a bit to look at him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS