As the months went by, the feeling of being a ballon never went away, his belly was stretched out wide like a globe connected to his slender frame. His belly hung between his legs and his breasts hung losely now as he simply waddled slowly around in his robe. He had been trying to avoid Carl. Lying to him about the way he felt sometimes, he laid in bed and on the couch with a book the whole day, reading and watching movies on repeat.
A few days before labor became active, he hadn't noticed that he had lost his mucus plug nor did he even know what one was when he did. Throughout the days, his back ached more than usual when he would sit down, even his cock ached as it seemed the baby had moved lower inside of him. He frowned up as he reclined in his ottoman, sitting up slowly with a grimace while he closed his book up and his free hand went from resting against his belly to his back. It was a weird sensation, like his body was squeezing itself, though it wasn't hard and it wasn't painful either. There was just pressure.
A few days before labor became active, he hadn't noticed that he had lost his mucus plug nor did he even know what one was when he did. Throughout the days, his back ached more than usual when he would sit down, even his cock ached as it seemed the baby had moved lower inside of him. He frowned up as he reclined in his ottoman, sitting up slowly with a grimace while he closed his book up and his free hand went from resting against his belly to his back. It was a weird sensation, like his body was squeezing itself, though it wasn't hard and it wasn't painful either. There was just pressure.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS