11-02-2016, 03:18 AM
(Skip a bit? To the discovery?)
Stephan was awake earlier than Talon, which was so rare that Stefan decided he could do him a favor. He sneaked out of bed and smuggled breakfast, simple toast and coffee really, and got back to their room. He saw Talon just stirring from his sleep and annoubced. "Surprise Talon! got you breakfast on bed. You are waking up at the right time for it to be still warm." He smiled at the obviously still fussy man.
Stephan was awake earlier than Talon, which was so rare that Stefan decided he could do him a favor. He sneaked out of bed and smuggled breakfast, simple toast and coffee really, and got back to their room. He saw Talon just stirring from his sleep and annoubced. "Surprise Talon! got you breakfast on bed. You are waking up at the right time for it to be still warm." He smiled at the obviously still fussy man.