12-01-2016, 05:31 AM
Greyson watched as Proteus helped him with the nursing pads, pressing his lips together at his appearance in the mirror. His face and whatnot had stayed the same throughout the pregnancy save for the look of exhaustion he sported a lot more, so it was weird to see just how much his body had changed otherwise. In the mirror, his belly looked like something from out of a movie - painfully large and obvious, bearing down on Greyson at all times and making it hard to do something as simple as getting out of bed. He closed his eyes briefly and let out a breath slowly, only cracking his eyes open once more when Proteus announced he was done. Greyson glanced up at the mirror again, smiling sheepishly and nodding his head. "Yeah, that's good. Thanks." Rubbing at his face with one hand, Greyson couldn't help but feel warm with Proteus this close... too warm. He hadn't necessarily considered them real mates or anything after what had happened, and that's mainly why he'd done his best to be respectful and aware of how he was around Proteus, but as of late he was finding it hard to help himself in the way that only he could with another individual. "Y'know, I haven't gotten any action since that day with the berries," Greyson joked, watching Proteus in the mirror behind him to wait for a reaction.