01-07-2017, 07:04 PM
Carl could hear from the babymonitor the dull thump of Saul dropping onto the floor, and he quickly came into the room again. Seeing Saul with his legs spread wide, his face flushed red scrunching together and his hand digging into his huge belly, Carl almost instantaneously knew what was happening. He sighed and hurried next to Saul to heave him up. "How hard it is to just call me. Don't be silly, you wouldnt be handling this alone. I wouldn't allow it when it's our daughters' lives in jeopardy." He half lifted the pregnant man to move him towards the toilet, setting him down on teh toilet seat acting as a makeshift birthing chair. He lifted Saul's legs up so his feet was planted on the toilet seat as well, with his bum hanging in midair. "There, just push down like you are pooping. Try a few times and if this doesn't work, we would find other positions.'