Resident Evil: Lost Files (Closed with Hyenadog)

Oisin plugged in some speakers that had a curve to them. Believe it or not, sound could be altered by the pattern in which they circulated, like a wave actually. By having the speakers curve in a certain angle, he could prevent prying ears from hearing through the walls. Still, he reached into his bag, pulling out a Springfield XDS 9mm from a small silver case among others. He always preferred it's design over a few pistols and always stuck with it ever since. He pieced the weapon together relatively quick, walked around the room for possible surveillance, moving objects here and there to make sure there were no hidden cameras.

"Coast is clear" he stated to his boss.

"Good" she responded, pushing up her glasses. "Now on to business."

The blueprints of the Mansion appeared on screen, which would be updated to their gear. She explained the situation clearly, how they correlated to the missing persons reports and the rumors of things that sounded worse than the theories of dear ol' Nessie in Scotland.

"Based on the reports as well as the habitat around you all, the reports are indicating Bio-Organic Weapons of the Amphibian variety. Oisin probably knows more about them, so I will explain to fill you in a Tobias."

The image next to her changed from the mansion to a creature that resembled a frog. Hunter Gamma, it was called, which differed from the usual most were used to seeing, particularly back in the attack on island Terragrigia back to the first outbreak in Raccoon City. She continued further, detailing the particular differences from the other.

"Usually the regular Hunter has the distinctive trait to jump down on it's victim for an instant kill with it's sharp arm" she explained. "The Gamma lacks that, but it's hands do have barbs meant to paralyze the prey and without treatment, eventual death. It's tongue can extend, much like the frog from which it was developed from, and open it's mouth forth to swallow whole it's victims. We can only hope that it's not such a thing, but if it is, you know what you must do. The mansion seems to be the likely choice given the location of the cove offshore from it. This is where most of the incidents have arrived."

Like usual, the images changed, the cove appearing as well as the actual layout of the mansion itself.

"Maybe we should check it out tonight" Oisin stated. "The cove at least. If all checks out to be normal, then we wouldn't have to go inside the mansion. Is it true that it's one of the scientists though? I thought they all were killed by Wesker."

She nodded. "Those are the reports, but there is also this disturbing fact pulled up from the Africa incident: There may be more than one Wesker out there. Do be careful."

The screen went black, but the panel that Oisin would wear for his gear on his arm and wrist lit up. The information was sent there for him. He did not want to say it, but the idea of going in that mansion bugged him out on every level. The briefing had lasted for an hour, which by then, a knock came to their door.

"Dinner is ready" a young voice chimed in.

"Well," Oisin stated to his partner. "Let's get started."

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