02-04-2017, 10:53 AM
"37th week?! That's very close to your due date. You are almost at 9 months.... and no prenatal examinations before? Guess that just added one more patient on my packed schedule." The doctor waved away Aren's apology. "I wouldnt mind you carin yoo much, afterall, that's why I need a nurse to look after areas that I omitted, for example, my own wellbeing." He smiled and pretended to sigh in exaggeration. "I wish i had a less packed schedule but that's the only way for me to see all the patients. There arent as much choice for male carriers so... and i gues they like me too much." He shrugged before giving Aren a cheeky smile. "Speaking of which ... you would be my first pateint for today. At 37 weeks you should be experiencing quite a lot of disfomfort. How are you holding up? Hows the swelling on your ankles? Your legs? Pain at your hips?" He asked as he moved Aren up, ready to transfer him to the examination table.