Products of war (closed with Leafies)

The guard looked between Roark and then over at Sage, "Food? I'm sure You'll get scraps later tonight. Your confident aren't you? For something so small..." He laughed but he had stepped closer to Roark. The centaur was almost twice the boy's size and had golden/ yellow fur. "Better be careful, being so brave might get you into trouble." He wanted to scare the boy, or at least see what he would do. It wasn't as if Roark could do anything he was after all chained to a wall.

"Leave him alone," Sage called out, a slight hint of anger in his voice as he spoke. He wasn't sure why though it wasn't as if he should worry about Roark, they had just met after all, but Sage couldn't stand anyone being spoken down to like that. "Don't you have someone else to pick on don't be such a jerk." now, that might have been a dangerous move out right insulting the guard. but he was a prisoner, what did he have to lose.

( I wasn't sure I didn't want to just take it, there are two of them so I'll take one guard you take the other? )

Messages In This Thread
Products of war (closed with Leafies) - by secretsparrow - 06-12-2017, 07:10 PM
RE: Products of war (closed with Leafies) - by Leafies - 06-12-2017, 10:18 PM
RE: Products of war (closed with Leafies) - by secretsparrow - 06-12-2017, 10:45 PM
RE: Products of war (closed with Leafies) - by Leafies - 06-12-2017, 11:00 PM
RE: Products of war (closed with Leafies) - by secretsparrow - 06-12-2017, 11:08 PM
RE: Products of war (closed with Leafies) - by Leafies - 06-12-2017, 11:27 PM
RE: Products of war (closed with Leafies) - by secretsparrow - 06-13-2017, 12:47 AM
RE: Products of war (closed with Leafies) - by Leafies - 06-13-2017, 01:34 AM
RE: Products of war (closed with Leafies) - by secretsparrow - 06-13-2017, 01:57 AM
RE: Products of war (closed with Leafies) - by Leafies - 06-13-2017, 03:09 AM
RE: Products of war (closed with Leafies) - by secretsparrow - 06-13-2017, 03:33 AM
RE: Products of war (closed with Leafies) - by Leafies - 06-13-2017, 04:51 AM
RE: Products of war (closed with Leafies) - by secretsparrow - 06-13-2017, 05:31 AM
RE: Products of war (closed with Leafies) - by Leafies - 06-13-2017, 05:39 PM
RE: Products of war (closed with Leafies) - by secretsparrow - 06-18-2017, 12:02 AM
RE: Products of war (closed with Leafies) - by Leafies - 06-24-2017, 02:47 AM

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