01-28-2018, 05:26 PM
The man chuckled at Logan. "Yea , thanks. I like this place a lot as well even though i am visiting far less often than I wish. I am Ben Hartson, in case your, hmm, mate didnt tell you about me." He said, choosing his wordss careful as he was unable to determine their relationship.
"So, what's syour decision?" He turned to Ben, cuttinh straight to the point. Ben took a deep breath and clutched Logan's hand like he was drawing energy from him. "Err, Mr Hartson, i, i, i think i.have some sugggestion for you, especially on horses training. A-and my boyfriend here... he is a carpenter who can help with me on some equipment setting and all. I-i'm not.lying and you can test his skills if.you want so..." the young man staggered as he was trying to get Logan an.offer as well.
"So, what's syour decision?" He turned to Ben, cuttinh straight to the point. Ben took a deep breath and clutched Logan's hand like he was drawing energy from him. "Err, Mr Hartson, i, i, i think i.have some sugggestion for you, especially on horses training. A-and my boyfriend here... he is a carpenter who can help with me on some equipment setting and all. I-i'm not.lying and you can test his skills if.you want so..." the young man staggered as he was trying to get Logan an.offer as well.