02-18-2018, 06:13 PM
Ben rub his forehead and hissed, looking up at Logna with puppy eyes. "it's so painful... can you give it a kiss?" he said releasing his hand and pointing at the patch of redness that's beginning to swell a ltitle. "mommy..." he whined, smirking at Logan coming to bend down a little so Logancould easily kiss it.
"yep of course i am up for dinner. you ready to leave yet?" he said, feeling the workshop to be comforting with how it resembled Logan's family workshop back home. it's like a nice deja vu, something that make it feel like nohting's changed.
"yep of course i am up for dinner. you ready to leave yet?" he said, feeling the workshop to be comforting with how it resembled Logan's family workshop back home. it's like a nice deja vu, something that make it feel like nohting's changed.