09-08-2013, 03:50 AM
Taylor chuckled.
"No choice...Of course I would have said no" what person in a generally sane healthy sane mine would let some random female walk in and prick them with a syringe that made them swell with life in an instant? He turned his back to her while resting under the covers. "Yea...I noticed.." he rolled his eyes really not wanting to hear the girl talk anymore. "I'm not hungry..."
"No choice...Of course I would have said no" what person in a generally sane healthy sane mine would let some random female walk in and prick them with a syringe that made them swell with life in an instant? He turned his back to her while resting under the covers. "Yea...I noticed.." he rolled his eyes really not wanting to hear the girl talk anymore. "I'm not hungry..."