09-09-2013, 06:45 AM
Lyle felt the odd sensation in his bladder. It was warm, getting hotter with each moment, but he could not focus on it for too long. A smakk cut formed on his erect member as she held a scalpel towards it. He found it rather difficult to focus on her words as the heat almost felt unbearable. He winced at a sharp sting as she injected another syringe inside him. The twenty-one year old heard her words again. "But you said you would inject a second if you were fired" a raised tone rose as small forms of sweatbeads began to form. The source was none other than near his bladder. A soft moan escaped his mouth as the abs he had seemed to go flat in an instant. "You can't do this..." how many times would he have to tell her it was wrong. He tried fighting against the restraints a little. "I'm not..." he grunted as his belly slowly pushed out. "a criminal" she probably blamed him for stopping her tests and he had every right to. She literally was unethical as well as the fact the higher-ups instructed him to do so.