08-29-2018, 04:03 AM
They woman smiled at him still, she had came early almost to see how he would look while he was sleeping but now she got to see him when he was waking up. Her heart fluttered, imagining if she had woken up beside him this morning, but looking down from his face again,"You slept well, I assume?" She asked him and lifted the sheets, then lifting his gown just a little, keeping his decency as she did so. Her skilled hands moved skilfully, moving the gauze just a bit and looking at his wound, it was puffy and red but not due to infection, she smiled contently and nodded,"You'll heal nicely." She said and looked up to him, covering his wound again and placing the sheet back down,"You'll be ready to go home in no time."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS