09-05-2018, 05:26 AM
Eli groaned as Jace turned over underneath him - he didn't mean to be loud about it, but Jesus H... Jace's asssss!!! Eli thrust his hips forward, just one time, before climbing off of Jace and hopping up onto his own bunk, he laced his hands behind his head and stared up at the cement ceiling "I would like to know... but, it's okay if you don't tell me - We have time to discuss it later." Eli said quietly.
He didn't want to leave the pod, he wanted to stay right here and just listen to Jace, whether it was just him breathing, or him talking - and wasn't that fucked up and weird for Eli to admit? If only to himself, deep inside of his own mind.
He didn't want to leave the pod, he wanted to stay right here and just listen to Jace, whether it was just him breathing, or him talking - and wasn't that fucked up and weird for Eli to admit? If only to himself, deep inside of his own mind.
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.