10-02-2018, 01:53 AM
"Daddy is tired," Zach said as he finished his food and handed the bowl to Jen. He ran his fingers through Caleb's hair. "We're going to let him sleep for now."
Alexandria came back in with Savannah who was wrapped up in a blanket now. "Here we are. She's in perfect health and is all ready for her first meal. Oh -" She tilted her head to look at Caleb. "I guess he crashed."
Zach laughed a little and held out his arms for Savannah. "Yeah. We're going to let him stay there for now." He settled Savannah in his arms and brought her to his chest to see if she would nurse. She was a little fussy about it, but she did eventually latch with Alexandria's help.
Alexandria came back in with Savannah who was wrapped up in a blanket now. "Here we are. She's in perfect health and is all ready for her first meal. Oh -" She tilted her head to look at Caleb. "I guess he crashed."
Zach laughed a little and held out his arms for Savannah. "Yeah. We're going to let him stay there for now." He settled Savannah in his arms and brought her to his chest to see if she would nurse. She was a little fussy about it, but she did eventually latch with Alexandria's help.