11-01-2018, 05:15 PM
"We can try that," Zach said as he rubbed soothing circles into the small of Caleb's back. His other hand was on Caleb's belly so he could time the contractions Caleb thought he didn't know about. They were really far apart - 23 minutes right now - so he wasn't worried. "We can do whatever you want to jumpstart labor. If you want to have sex again, we can do that too."
Zach knew Caleb was going to say no to that. The last thing he wanted to do when he went into labor was have sex, even when Caleb had sucked him off to help him out.
Zach knew Caleb was going to say no to that. The last thing he wanted to do when he went into labor was have sex, even when Caleb had sucked him off to help him out.