11-21-2018, 02:23 AM
Ezra looked up to Martin and smiled as he walked past the couch, watching his ass as he headed off into the back of the apartment and he tore his eyes away as he propped his head on his hand when looking to their daughter again. Once again engulfed in what she had to say as he listened raptly as she just flowed with questions and he didn't blame her, his eyes widened just a bit and he thought about how he might answer,"Well, I didn't know about you when I did leave. I didn't do it on purpose though, I graduated high school and I went to get a job and move out of my parents' house, that's how I lost contact with your Dad and that's when he was pregnant with you." He explained as best he could, waiting for her to speak again and smiling as she asked him what was on her mind, taking in a breath,"I-uh-I sort of work with him, that's how we met again."He wondered if she'd take that reply.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS