12-26-2013, 01:39 AM
Arik's eyes had been scanning the room in lazy circles, like buzzards over a desert that didnt really expect to find anything, but what did catch his eye brought a smile to the mages face as he studied the young man surrounded by what must have been family judging by the age gap.
He wondered if he ought to save the other from the fate of being stuck at a bar with parents, something in the strangers gaze even if for a flash hadnt spoken of wealth. It wasnt like finding a diamond in the middle of a desert, it was like finding a rock in the middle of a pile of diamonds, which had piqued the elf because if nothing ells, he liked misplaced things and people as he started to cross the room before he had even realized he was. The man was short, looked Atalian he suspected, but the thrum of inheirent magic around the other clued the elven mage in to that more than looks as he drew closer, able to hear snippets of conversation now.
"They say young men like fresh wines because they know before long they will be aged themselves, but I must admit, I do like a bottle of autumn mead when it can be had." Arik responded, hoping to ease himself in to the conversation as he leaned against the bar.
He wondered if he ought to save the other from the fate of being stuck at a bar with parents, something in the strangers gaze even if for a flash hadnt spoken of wealth. It wasnt like finding a diamond in the middle of a desert, it was like finding a rock in the middle of a pile of diamonds, which had piqued the elf because if nothing ells, he liked misplaced things and people as he started to cross the room before he had even realized he was. The man was short, looked Atalian he suspected, but the thrum of inheirent magic around the other clued the elven mage in to that more than looks as he drew closer, able to hear snippets of conversation now.
"They say young men like fresh wines because they know before long they will be aged themselves, but I must admit, I do like a bottle of autumn mead when it can be had." Arik responded, hoping to ease himself in to the conversation as he leaned against the bar.