02-08-2014, 08:06 PM
Dr. Sommer nodded. "That's it, you're doing great", he said and smiled.
He took a tissue from a cupboard and gently wiped away the amniotic fluid of Luka's entrance, before putting on some gloves and gently checking it with his finger. The skin felt very soft and almost loose, as if the rectum would have dilated even more in this short time.
"Oh wow, you are making a great progress......", he said, as his entrance was now already 8 centimeters dilated.
"Are you having those pains all the time, or are they fading from time to time ??", he asked, confused by the fact, that Luka was in constant pain.
He took a tissue from a cupboard and gently wiped away the amniotic fluid of Luka's entrance, before putting on some gloves and gently checking it with his finger. The skin felt very soft and almost loose, as if the rectum would have dilated even more in this short time.
"Oh wow, you are making a great progress......", he said, as his entrance was now already 8 centimeters dilated.
"Are you having those pains all the time, or are they fading from time to time ??", he asked, confused by the fact, that Luka was in constant pain.