02-11-2014, 07:19 PM
"I don't think so. You see, my mom has always been a working mom. The job always comes first, which is fine...don't get me wrong. I just have spent a lot of this pregnancy alone as she's always away on business. A few days ago she said he had to spend a few days in Bangkok and Beijing for her company's investors or something or other. I don't even know anymore. she only seems to be home on weekends now...if that....And don't even get my started on my sisters. They wouldn't even pick me up when I got lost in the middle of nowhere after leaving a party, let alone be here for their nieces delivery." Nick said. As time passed, Nick started to feel heavier and heavier. His legs got farther apart as he walked and his butt stuck out a little more. He was slowing down even more feeling the babies get active. There were some odd sensations he was feeling, but tried to be stoic about it. He stopped for a second to catch his breathe. "So, what about you, what does your family think of your profession?"