03-22-2014, 06:02 AM
Those next 5 steps were agonizing for Nick. He huffed and puffed all the way there. A few farts forced their way through Nick as the pressure at his anus peaked. The babies started to move about and his belly gave quite the gurgle. "I think I'm going to let it out." he said quite sure of himself. Finally they made it to the toilet where it was an adventure getting Nick down onto it. Once seated, Nick was in tears. He farted for another 10 seconds causing him to grab for Martina's torso for support. "There's so much gas, why won't I just poop???" With those worse his hole practically exploded with hot liquid at quite a pressure. "Oooooo It's hot, It's hot..."hothothot" Nick said farting out much more "Martina, it's still coming..."