C Beloved teacher (w/lovebite)

"Hnm?" The clear liquid reaching Jacques' tongue wssnt the salty drops of sweat that the student was accustomed to, and he was about to ask when Frank had climaxed causing his canal to clamp down on his member, and all his conscious was us needed to control himself from not orgasming, but it was soon obvious that Jacques was fighting a losing battle and he shoot his load deep inside his teacher with a growl, his arms tighteming around his lover and they botb shuddered at the intense feeling.

Frank took him by the face, his hands cupping his jaw and leading him up into a deep kiss while his hips rose and fell slowly still. Grinding into the others hips and groaninf softly into his mouth, he was breathless and held himself close to the other,"I love you too."He murmured quietly after a few moments and let their noses press together carefully as he nipped at his lip.

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Jacques had been half-conscious from the vigorous orgasm, but the declaration of love from Frank got him awake, tofether with his member still lodged deeply in Frank. He returned the kiss with much passion and started thrustimg a bit to get his cock to stand up fully again. "Hmm frank... I... another round?" His thrust had been smooth with his cum as lube.

Frank laid his head on the space between Jacq's shoulder and neck as his eyes closed, his lips still pressed against the skin of his jaw in an almost permanent kiss. He groaned softly and shuddered when he was thrust into again, though shook his head some,"No, I don't think I can."He chuckled and ran his fingers through his short head of hair,"I think I'm sexed out... I know you've never head someone who said that before."He sat up a bit and slipped off of the others cock, pushing his hand through his hair.

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"Sexed out? Hmm I need gettinf used to sexing you out then... I want you to be so exhausted by me that you could not even leave the bed after our session, force you to stay here with me and never leave .." jacques suddenly got emotional as he clamped his arms tightly around Frank's waist, trying to pull him back and convince him to stay for the night. "I will fuck you until you are too sore to move at all, and even when you need to get to classes, I can see your hand resting at your back and you walk around awkwardly, showing me signs that we did have something ljngering on, and everythinf between us is not something that I had imagined myself."

"Good luck with that... I'm a busy man."Frank laughed as he pulled away gently, stopping when he was gripped and looking at Jacques with a sigh,"I can't stay. You know that, it's a weekday too."He murmured, running his fingers through his hair and kissing him once more,"Don't worry."Is all he said before pulling away, he knew just how soon he would be really waddling and it wasn't because of sex, well not for the most part. The professor stood up to his feet as he slipped off the bed, gathering his clothing and tugging them on half heartedly. It was a cool summer night in Arizona and he didn't feel like putting his entire suit back on.

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Jacques looked at Frank gettinf ready to leave, and was never as sad before. He lookrd at him with puppy eyes, though he knew all effort would be in vain. Thry both have their roles and duties, and Frank couldnt really risk getting disocovered. He would lose his job, his reputation, his everything, and they would most likely be forced to separate, despite Jacques being of age. He slipped out of bed, his cock finally limpening from seeing no hipe for another round, and picked up Frnak's trademark messenger bag for him. "Let me drive you home? I think you might have a little difficulty biking right now?"

The professor of anatomy sighed as he stood beside the bed, pushing his hands through his hair again more as a nervous tick now,"No. I'll just take the bus."He said and buttoned up his dress shirt slowly, looking down and slipping on his shoes,"Thank you for the offer."He looked up slightly at him and smiled a bit as he finished with the shirt, the buttons stretched around his middle slightly,"Don't forget to study."He smirked, coming over to kiss him once more.

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Jacques deepened the kiss, too much in love with his elder lover's taste to let him go easily. His hand somehow landed on Frank's middle that had definitely filled out lately. When he finally released Frank, he looked at him sadly. "So when will we meet again? I mean.. not on class... and not necessarily for a session either... jist some time between us. Maybe we can go to city for a day?" Jacques craved some time to be together with his love, like all other couples and perhaps for a few hours, he could forget all the obstacles they faced.

Frank sighed and shrugged as he had his hand on his bedroom door,"I have no idea."He replied,"I'll call you though."He smiled once more and opened up the door to slip out, pulling on his jacket and zipping his pants as he left. After that night, Frank hadn't called Jacques again for a few months, he always left class on time, never staying for any of the students to talk to him and barely being available for appointments. He answered texts rarely and never picked up the phone, the only time his lover saw him outside of class was when he was interning at the local clinic.

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Jacques was frustrated to no ends. Between his practice time and his studies for pre-med, he had tried rvrry possible way to talk to Frank, yet devastatingly he found he never could succeed. He tried waiting for him at his office, but Frank somehow found a secret passage out or he simply never returned to his office. He tried waiting at Frank's place but he never really go out after school hours, which was also when Jacques had the time to wait. Therefore, when he saw him at the clinic, he acted before he thought and he grabbed his hand. "Frank!…professor I mean.... you ... you... let's talk somewhere with more privacy." Jacques grabbed his hand and pulled him in the nearest examination room.

The grown man looked surprised as he was tugged into the examining room, stumbling a bit and tugging his arm away,"What the hell are you doing?"He hissed in a tone of voice he's never used with the young man before, panting heavily afterwards and hunching over a bit. With his button up shirt straining to hold in his abnormally distended middle,"What don't you get?"He wore a ponytail and a open suit jacket over his arms, his swollen middle stuck out awkwardly as if he had grown a potbelly over just a few months.

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Jacques gawked at the belly. "You.... you are pregnant? Gosh... " the young man had his hands in his hair, grabbing on it and pulling it, he turned around and quickly snapped back, clutching his professor's arms. "The baby's mine isnt it? You..." he dropped his hands to the belly, measuring the base width and the height of the belly as he was taught, pressing into the older man's lowerside. "You couldnt be less than 4 months with this size... why didnt you tell me! Is that why you had been so depserate in avoidjng me?" Jacques asked with a desperation.

Frank turned red in the face as he tugged away from his grasp again, or tried to at least and couldn't stop him as he did as he was trained to do. He would have been proud if it wasn't under the circumstances, the older man was huffing now from the rise in his heartrate and tightness of his shirt. "Why didn't I tell you?"He snorted and slapped his hands away as he frowned up,"I don't have an obligation to tell you anything that goes on in my life."He retorted,"You aren't my spouse or even my partner, so tell me why I would have told you anything."

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"Because of the simple fact that the baby shares half of my dna!" Jacques snapped back. "I at least deserve to know! I hated being ignored, you arent keeping me in the loop.... I am never in the loop. I thought we shared something, that we are more than just a casual shag. You just disappeared cmpletely, ignoring me after what happened. So am I just a dildo that happened to know how yo breath and could respond better to your needs?" Jacques said with tears in his eyes.

"And?!"Frank looked truly adamant about this,"I never asked for this. Neither did you."He said and scoffed when he mentioned that he deserved to know,"Yeah, well I deserve to have a right not to tell you and not be...dragged into a situation I never asked for."He rubbed his face, turning to face the examination room door as he crossed his arms,"I don't want to talk about this."He said simply,"Don't make me."

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"So....you are gonna get rid of the situation... without me knowing?" Jacques' face blanched. He couldnt believe his elder lover would do such a cruel thing to him, to the baby, and to them. "You.... are just going to kill it before even its father knew of its existence? Frank.... tell me you aren't like this." The young student, trembling, stepped back from the pregnant man.

"No."Frank said quickly with a shake of his head,"I wasn't going in for an abortion."He replied as he sighed, even if it was nearly impossible for a male carrier to abort without some dire consequences, he wasn't going to just get rid of the kid. "Listen to me."He turned to look at Jacques,"You're a kid. I'm not... Whatever way you think that you love me is just...something called obsession. I'm someone who you don't like enough to marry, but seem just hot enough to fuck. And I'm not going to drag you into a pregnancy neither of us wanted."He looked serious when he said that, even with Jacq crying, he managed to keep a straight face.

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"I am an adult!" Jacques yelled. "I am of age. Yes I may much younger than you, but what gives you the right to decide for me? How do you think,... how could you just assume qhat i have for you is obsession, and not real love?" Tears kept on rolling down his face. "Is it I have always been this naive to you? Just thought I chased after you like a fucking dog because i want to get into your pants and that's it? You are such a fucking jerk."

Frank agreed with that at least,"Yeah, you are an adult. A young adult and I refuse to be the person to ruin your life because of a baby neither of us wanted."He sighed and looked at him as he placed his hands on his hips now,"I... I don't want to be with you, Jacq."He told him simply,"I'm sorry this had to happen, I should have been more mature myself, but...shit happens."He sighed and turned to walk out of the room, late for his appointment.

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