(( Host. *Mpreg Hetro story* closed with LoveBite ))
"Thank you."

*She smiled and she shook his hand to confirm of their partnership. She was so happy with this. She couldn't wait to tell her folks back home of what she had accomplished. They'll be proud. She nodded and she looked around the barn to see what needed to be done. She chuckled looking cows who was mooing at her. She knows what the want. She smirked at him*

"Might as well tell me where the bucket is because those cows seriously needs to be milked. They haven't had that all day."
*Caroline picked them both back with her hands and walked over to the cows so that she can helped them be milked. She rolled up her sleeves with a smile*

"I thank you so much for this job,sir. You won't regret it."

*She promised as soon as she sat down and used her magic hands on the cow's teats. The cow noticed how gentle this woman was and let out a contented moo*
*There can be a flicker of light for him to see for a bit. As if the babies inside of him were trying to make contact with them. Babies. Twins. The reason why he was gaining this much weight and it seems to be as much as rapid through out the entire day. Sooner or later,the parent would possibly know of what is going on by now as to why his belly was trying to glow*
*Flutters were there by his touch. The more he touched on his globed like middle,the more that the kicks will be there along with a blue kind of like glow that their mother left behind inside of him.

There was a knock on the front door outside that would indicate that Caroline was done with milking the cows with the pails. She smiled waiting for him to answer*

"Mr.Howard,sir! I hope there's plenty of room in your fridge because these two fresh pails of milk will last you through the whole month."
"Sorry about that. I just thought I should knock and..."

*She was cut off though. She shrugged her shoulders walking with him down to the cellar so they can both get the milk down there. She watched him opening the doors as she lets him hold one pail but she noticed his belly...starting to get even bigger by the minute*
*Hmm. Bitchy. She never heard of that coming out of a man before. This guy was odd...but she has a feeling he would be a great boss. So why not give him a chance? She smiled with a shake of her head*

"You do remind me of my dad in a way. He can be much of a grump sometimes but he's a really great guy."

*Caroline assured him after helping him placing some milk inside of the fridge for it to cool down*
"Because I needed my own life. To live it anyway that I want. That's why I took this job so I can own my own home and my own farm."

*Caroline explained with both of her hands inside of her pockets*

"Besides,I need to make my own money. Not what I lived off of his."
"I could find another job if my job is done here until the spring comes."

*Caroline smiled with a small wave of her hand. Autmn was here and it's going to get really cold in the winter so he might need a lot more help than he can get. Besides,she couldn't help but find more odd about him...but she wouldn't want to ask him anything personal that would involve her getting fired*

"Plus,you're right. You do need some help either money or not."
*Caroline looked at her new boss at his strange request. But surely he would mean like a friendly date because she had just met him and she wasn't used to actually going out on a date since she had too much going on in her life. But he was still a nice guy and a night of pizza surely sounds good right now. The woman smiled with a nod*

"That would be nice,thank you."
"No need to explain,I gotcha."

*There was nothing wrong with that either. She did liked it when it's just getting to know eachother and over a meal no doubt. Caroline nodded with a smile turning him around so that she can get things done in the barn. Tending to the animals and cleaning up what needed to be cleaned up for them animals to get settled for the night. Terrance is not so bad and she was going to enjoy working with him alot and what feels so familiar to her*
*Caroline got done with cleaning the barn and making sure that animals were okay before she heard her name being called. She ran over as quickly as she can on her boots through the ground seeing Terrance there having trouble with the garden. Poor guy. She ran as fast as she could before she stopped and panted a bit*

"What's wrong? Is it the gardens? Did the crows or gophers got their way to them?"

*She asked Terrance looking at the vegetables with her eyes seeing that...they were not harmed. She looked at him seeing that he looked...tired and overwhelmed a bit. So that's why she was called here for. She smiled a bit sympathetic moving her hand to him so she can help him up*

"Are you alright?"
*Caroline doesn't mind his...odd situation as she didn't say a word about it. But it wasn't hard to ignore. It was his business and she had just met him. She smiled taking the basket of the vegetables he picked up. She nodded following him back to the house looking down at the vegetables*

"This will be great for the fall. I can tell you harvest them well."

*Caroline smiled at Terrance. She liked the way that a man as a farmer will handle his garden and animals with care. As a little girl,she always wanted to be a farmer...and hopefully meet someone who has this in common with her*
"Oh really?"

*She also loves it when a man cooks too. Like she does with her mother's recipes from around the farm she learned on. She loved making pies from pumpkins and pecans and apples. She sets down the basket near the milk so she can clean them and dry them to be put in the fridge with so they can be fresh. She bit her lip thinking about it but she smiled softly moving down to pet on the dog*

"Well. Aside on this job,I'm thinking about going back to my folk's place for when Thanksgiving comes up. My mom makes up great stuff for the holiday."
*Caroline chuckled with a shake of her head. She joked about his weight once...she shouldn't joke again if this would mean he'll fire her. She stood up so she can help him with the vegetables if he feels like he is getting tired from his weight by doing them*

"My brother makes the best ribs from out of the hogs. One bite out of them and you'll never be the same."

*She chuckled tossing the same veggies she helped cleaned and dried up with the others*
"Never thought I would spend a Thanksgiving that way."

*Caroline joked with a chuckle after sitting down next to him and taking off her boots since she figured she would make herself comfortable with him*

"So I take it that your parents are farmers to?"

*Caroline asked taking off her jacket to make herself more comfortable. Unlike Alessia,Caroline does seem to have some muscle on her due to farm work she does all of her life*
"Ahhhh so I take it that you wanted to be a farmer instead of what they do."

*The young woman smiled taking off her hair band from that beautiful hair color of hers as she shook to have it to be fixed up instead of looking like a mess. She looked like she has a mother nature appearance on her with some tan and not pale and dark like Alessia was*
"Oh yeah. I can tell that the animals are handled with care as much as the garden and vegetables are."

*The blonde smiled up at him with a nod. She leaned back looking at the TV he had turned on before she can focus on him and his question*

"Very much so since I grew up with my parents. My father's parents were farmers but my mother's parents on the other hand,they were restaurant owners of southern goods."
*Caroline made contact with him and doesn't even care what the hell is even going on with his stomach anymore since this was starting to get on to be a very nice conversation between them about their lives from one another*

"Yes. But when he retires,he wants to settle down for the rest of his days in the mountains. When I was a little girl,he would always take both me and my brothers up there for camping trips. My mother had a pie shop for a while but it closed down because of financial reasons."

*Caroline sighed a bit leaning back looking down at her feet*

"Because I don't want to earn my parent's money. I want to own /my/ own money for working so hard. And with other farms out there and especially yours...who doesn't want my help?"
*The young woman blushed at his comment with a smile. If she were to ever settle down with a man...this man would be one of them because...he understands him just like she does with him. Both having a connection right there....and that is enough for the both of them.

She heard the knock on the door. That would be dinner arriving. She smiled getting up taking the money but she noticed that once again he needed help getting up. She wasn't bothered about it but it does concern her a bit with what was going on with him that...maybe either harmful or something that doesn't happen to any man these days*

"Need any help?"
*All Caroline can do is to smile at him with a nod before she can walk to the door to get the pizza. She kept blushing a bit more from how he joked but she did liked his sense of humor. Not to mention she noticed how handsome he can be when he smiled more. But she had to shake her head. He's just her boss. And it wasn't like he was feeling attracted to her anyway.

She opened the door to pay the pizza man with the money before she can shut the door. She smiled walking out to the kitchen with the pizza box in her hands so she can grab the plates for their pizza*

"I paid a tip for him too. If you didn't mind."

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