The Cave (closed)

Alex awoke to the sounds of small birds chirping in the trees around them. His entire body felt sore, and though he'd passed out shortly after Hitsugi, he found himself still feeling exhausted. Emitting a small moan, the young man rolled onto his side, letting out a small gasp as he took in the unusual sight before him.

Laying down on the sleeping bag next to his was Hitsugi, but he'd...changed somehow through the night. Alex looked on, noticing the clawed feet and hands, the feathers, the tail, and especially the set of horns that now rested on his friend's brow. It was only when Alex reached out to gently touch Hitsugi's newly formed horns in disbelief that Alex noticed his own clawed hands. He shook, then reached up to touch his own face. There he felt his now sharp canines, the soft feathers that now covered his own upper arms, and especially the two sharp horns now protruding from his own forehead.

In a panic about these strange events, Alex scrambled to throw the tent open, and stumbled out into the open air. As he began hyperventilating, the young man soon fell to his hands and knees just a foot or two outside of the shelter, and proceeded to start retching onto the grass.

Hitsugi slept surprisingly well once he settled down and the changes finished...Only shifting and groaning at the ache coming from his body. His feet and tail twitched in his sleep and he ended up sprawled out across his sleeping bag.

Blood was crusted around the bases of his horns and around his mouth. Some was even around his nose. But otherwise he seemed to be sleeping rather comfortably, but Hitsugi was known for being able to sleep in odd conditions. He groaned softly, the soft sound outside blending into his mind as he slowly woke up. He stretched his legs, toes spreading before curling again while his tail curled tightly behind him.

As he became more aware of his surroundings, he opened one eye, then the other and blinked at the ceiling of the tent...Then the sound of someone vomiting filtered into his mind and he groaned. Even hearing someone throwing up brought the effect on him. "Sh-shit." He gasped, stumbling and scrambling out of the tent. Not even noticing Alex as he dropped to his knees and threw up a soup of stomach acid.

Alex himself had soon completely emptied the contents of his stomach. However, as he regained some of his senses, he noticed Hitsugi also being ill on the nearby grass. Unsure of what else he could possibly do, Alex took a few deep breaths to try and calm himself down, though he was still pretty shaken up. Rising to his feet (and taking a moment to adjust to the new shape that they were in) the young man slowly approached Hitsugi, and awkwardly tried to figure out what to say.

"H-hey...I'm sorry I got sick. Are...are you feeling alright?" Alex bit his lower lip, holding onto his own arms to try and comfort himself. "I kind of...I guess I just hoped what happened was some kind of nightmare." Wanting desperately to cry, Alex instead simply focused on his breathing as he gently patted Hitsugi's back, and handed him his water bottle to try and rinse out his mouth.

Once he had emptied his stomach, Hitsugi crawled away from the puddle on the ground. He sat staring at his hands, coughing a few times at the burning in his throat. He nearly jumped when he heard Alex's voice, turning to look at him and stopping dead. He stared at him with wide eyes, his own a pale blue instead of dark brown-black. His gaze drifted from the horns on the other's forehead to his hands, then down to his legs and the tail he could see behind him.

"E-either we're both having a really bad trip....or....we're living a nightmare." He said, coughing again. He froze when his own tail shifted behind him, twisting to look at the thickly muscled appendage, covered in soft fluffy feathers the same deep black as his hair. He looked back up at Alex, taking the water and downing some of it to get rid of the taste in his mouth. He handed it back and just sat there on the ground, trying to clear his mind. His tail twitching and shifting as he thought. He bit his lip as a new sensation caught him off guard...A growing warmth tingling between his legs....Like arousal, but not like he remembered felt more intense.

He didn't realize how deep the changes went...Making the pair of them compatible with the creature of the curse...and receptive. He was coming into heat, and soon would be ready to breed.

Alex sighed as he sat down next to Hitsugi, his own dark brown feathered tail lazily moving back and forth on the ground behind him. As Hitsugi spoke, Alex took the water bottle back then removed the lid and took a sip to try and wash his own mouth out. All the while his mind raced with a million questions and very few answers. After some tense moments of silence, Alex finally spoke, turning to look at Hitsugi with his now bright green eyes.

"This might sound crazy...but...I think we should head back into the cave." He suggested, raising his hands before his companion could speak. "Whatever caused this...transformation or whatever it back in there. That skull thing. Maybe...we can use it to change back, or at least try to find some answers about what's happened to us."

As Alex waited for Hitsugi to respond, blush managed to creep its way across his cheeks. This was partly out of nerves as to how his new friend would react, and partly because of the newly unfamiliar pleasant sensation that seemed to be building up throughout his body.

Hitsugi glanced sideways at Alex when he sat down, still nibbling at his lip piercings. with his glasses gone, the piercing in the bridge of his nose and in his right eyebrow were visible...He had many in his face, and several more hidden under his clothing. He was glad his new tail hadn't destroyed his pants, it had simply torn itself a hole in the back...

He opened his mouth to speak at Alex's suggestion, only to pause when he raised his hands. He listened to him, looking thoughtful for a moment. "That does sound like a good idea." He nodded. "If its a curse, maybe we can break it." He said, moving to get up.

He paused, face flushing as that warmth spread through his loins, biting harshly at his lipring to try and calm himself down. Though he didn't notice the way his tail lifted and arched off to one side...He gave himself a light shake, trying to refocus. "Right...on we go." He said, finding the lantern and walking a bit awkwardly with his newly shaped feet.

Alex slowly rose to his own feet and grabbed his backpack before following Hitsugi as close as he felt comfortable doing so. Once they managed to get the lantern working, the pair carefully reentered the cave, taking a few moments to adjust to their new clawed feet, and large tails.

Once inside the dark cavern, Alex felt his nerves becoming more intense. It was as though every hair and feather on his body were standing on end. He also found that as they moved in deeper, the pleasurable feelings he felt seemed to be becoming more intense. One new surprise though was that the cave itself didn't seem quite as dark as it had the previous day. Waving a hand in his face Alex nudged Hitsugi to point out his discovery.

"Hey. It look like we might able to see in the dark?" He suggested sounding a bit unsure. "I mean I know that sounds weird, but not as weird as everything else that's happened right?" He chuckled nervously, then tried to suppress a moan. Though he didn't know that his body was also preparing itself for breeding, all he did know was that his feelings were growing more intense the further they got, and neither of the pair had any clue as to what they'd find at the end.

Hitsugi lead the way, feeling nervous about this. But at the same time, felt compelled to keep going....he could feel his ears twitch with every sound, picking up much more than ever before. At the same time, he noticed everything smelled different. The dank smell from before actually smelled pretty nice.

He paused when Alex nudged him, tilting his head and turning the light off. He blinked a few times as his eyes adjusted, making a surprised noise at how well he could see. He bit his lip, suddenly very aware of a scent coming from was enticing, almost intoxicating...He shook his head, trying to focus on where they were going. He walked awkwardly, feeling intensely aroused. He couldn't hold back a small moan as they got closer to the crystal cavern....

" I the only one feeling....absurdly horny right now?" He asked quietly, glancing back at Alex with a worried look.

Alex face turned an embarrassingly deep shade of red at hearing Hitsugi's question. The young man scratched his head briefly, trying to find a good way to respond, but feeling rather flustered all the while. After calming himself down for what felt like the millionth time that day, Alex cleared his throat before finally speaking.

" guess..." Alex sighed. "Okay. Yeah, I am." he shook his head for a moment. "I don't know what it is, but I've been turned on, since we first entered the cave." He finally admitted. "But...look this is already really strange and a bit awkward smell really good...but we have to focus. The cavern is right up ahead."

Despite his words though, Alex's tail seemed to have other ideas. The appendage moved so that it had begun stroking along Hitsugi's back, forcing a moan to escape from Alex's lips. Realizing his actions, the young man shook his head and grabbed his tail, ensuring that it sat right behind him, before moving towards the entrance to the cave filled with crystals.

Hitsugi nibbled at his lipring as Alex spoke, trying not to look right at him. He almost wanted to blurt out how hard he was and how much he wanted someone to just pin him down and plow him into the ground....but he managed to keep himself quiet, giving Alex a small nod.

He turned to keep walking, only to freeze when Alex's tail rubbed over his back. He couldn't hold back his moan, hands slapping over his mouth as he walked a little quicker. He walked into the cave and found the crystals all were glowing dimly...showing another path beyond the strange skull. A new scent filled his nose, even more enticing than Alex's....He didn't even think about it, his mind clicked into autopilot and just pulled him towards it. The cavern opened to a large space, walls covered in huge softly glowing crystals...a large creature stood in the middle of the room, having many of the features the two men now sported...except this beast was like a demonic dinosaur.

It charged Hitsugi, seemingly to attack him. Hitsugi didn't move, taking the hit and dropping to all fours. He whimpered, tail arching over himself. With a quick motion, the beast rid Hitsugi of his torn pants, exposing his aching erection as well as the new anatomy resting just behind his balls. Hitsugi didn't fight back, he kept still as the beast mounted him, crying out as he was penetrated roughly. He could only claw at the ground and moan as the beast took him.

At seeing the creature waiting in the newly found cavern, Alex simply froze with fear. Once the strange creature ran full sprint towards Hitsugi though, Alex's own mind seemed to start running on some strange primal instinct. He shed his own clothing, tossing the articles aside before dropping onto all fours. A strange, guttural noise began to vibrate through his throat and chest, and the beast turned briefly to acknowledge Alex, before turning its attention back to Hitsugi.

Alex looked on at the pair, his eyes heavily lidded with lust. It looked as though Hitsugi and the creature were getting more into their own activities, which only seemed to turn Alex on even more. He practically ached with anticipation. Slowly, he approached the pair, placing his clawed hands on the beast. It roared at him as if to say "wait your turn", however the young man simply began stroking the creature with his newly grown tail and claws. The creature roared again, but nudged Alex gently moving for him to sit beside Hitsugi. Alex made a noise similar to a purr, and moved into a waiting position until the beast was finished with his friend

Hitsugi's moans echoed through the cavern, punctuated by sharp cried of pleasure when the beast happened to change angle just right. He wasn't even aware of Alex, his attention was fully on the beast fucking him into the ground. But as quickly as it began, the beast neared its end. Forcing itself deeper before giving a deep rumbling growl as it reached climax. Hitsugi cried out as he was filled with its thick cum, much of it spilling out around the creature's cock.

Hitsugi found his own release, adding to the mess between his legs as he shuddered and moaned through his orgasm. His inner muscles clamping down, almost sucking the beast's cum deeper into his body.

with that over with, the beast slid off Hitsugi, leaving the man to flop onto his side, one hand between his legs as if to keep the cum from escaping. The beast turned its attention to Alex, its thick red shaft quickly growing hard again. With a deep growl, it moved behind him and mounted him, hips jerking several times before finding the right angle and pushing into the willing body beneath him. Starting a fast and rough pace while growling deeply with pleasure.

Alex let out a sharp cry, punctuated with both pain and a sense of relief as the creature soon had its way with him. As it began thrusting deep within his newly developed anatomy, the young man did his best to match the creature's motions, bucking his hips wildly. He too seemed to be in his own world, only focusing on what was happening to him in that moment.

Having already warmed up with Hitsugi, the creature wasted no time in climaxing deep within Alex's body as well, letting out another loud and mighty roar in the process. Alex himself let out a keening cry, as he finally felt a release within his body. All the while, the creature's thick seed filled his body as full as it possibly could. Looking satisfied, the creature pulled out of Alex, letting him flop over beside Hitsugi. It then walked off leaving it's new mates in the cavern to rest, and fully realize what had just taken place.

With the deed done, the beast left the two men alone, moving off into some deeper part of the cavern. It didn't go far, wanting to keep near its new mates. it would return later to provide food for them.

Hitsugi groaned, his body still buzzing from his orgasm. The fog in his mind slowly cleared as the realization of what just happened set in. He slowly sat up on his knees, feeling the beast's thick seed seeping from him with a horrified look on his face. He looked over to Alex, seeing he had met the same fate. "Did....did that just happen? We....we let that thing..." He said, reaching between his legs and hesitantly feeling his new anatomy. "Oh....Oh shit..." He muttered, biting his lip as he slipped his fingers into himself. Still very tender and very sensitive, just touching it gently lit up the nerves and sent a thrill of arousal up his spine. He was hard within moments, foreskin pushed back by the thick ring pierced through the head of his cock, gleaming in the light cast by the crystals...He kept his hand moving, his other hand wrapping around his erection and stroking it. He couldn't help it, he was still in heat...but he wouldn't be for much longer.

Alex himself didn't fully seem to snap out of his pleasure induced haze, even as Hitsugi seemed to speak to him. Instead, the young man seemed rather focused on his own anatomy, stroking his cock and groaning deeply as he did so. Every part of him felt like there was electricity coursing through his veins, his heat taking it's time slowing down. It was only after he'd climaxed, letting out a loud grunt as he did so, that Alex stopped to catch his breath and finally seemed to snap out of his haze.

"I...what the...?" The young man looked down, finally realizing what had happened to both him and Hitsugi. Turning to look at his friend, he noticed the other man doing much what he had been doing only moments earlier, and desperately tried to get his attention. "Hey...Hitsugi? Come on...snap out of it! W-we need to get out of here!"

Hitsugi didn't hear Alex at all, all he could hear was his own harsh breathing and his racing heart. Both hands moved frantically, quickly pushing him to another powerful orgasm. The distance he shot his load was rather impressive, but that was irrelevant as Hitsugi snapped out of his lust hazed stupor.

He grunted and blinked, looking at Alex, then down at the mess. He scrambled to his feet, finding what was left of his boxers and managing to get them on...His pants were a lost cause, but he had packed a spare pair anyway. "Th-that just...with us...." He stammered. "And we....Shit. I don't care if we look like freaks, I don't want to be down here anymore." He said, motioning to the exit. "I think there's a hunting lodge somewhere near here...Guy is only there during hunting season, so its empty....we can stay there." he said, hurrying out towards the mouth of the cave. When he got to their little campsite, he paused to catch his breath, assuming the odd feeling in his lower belly was from running with his newly changed body.

The beast let them leave, he knew they wouldn't go far. He would come find them when they were ready for another round, and make that place his new den.

Alex could only look to Hitsugi with relief, and agree that they should run to the nearby lodge to hide away for a while. He gathered up the clothing he'd previously discarded, slipped it back on, and the pair were off. Somehow they managed to make it out of the cave in record time, pausing at their campsite to quickly grab whatever supplies they might need that they had previously left behind. Alex himself took care to grab the sleeping bags and the first aid kit, as he had no idea what the cabin that he and Hitsugi were running to might have. Satisfied, the pair then headed east of the cave, Hitsugi leading the way to their shelter.

After what seemed like hours running around in the trees, Alex spotted what looked to be a small cabin off in the distance. "Is...that it?" he asked Hitsugi, feeling completely out of breath from running. The place itself looked deserted, but rather well kept all things considered. " do you plan on getting us inside?" He asked his friend with mild curiosity. He chose to ignore the continued unusual sensation of churning in his stomach, chocking it up to nerves, as well as discomfort from the beast's seed still resting in his gut.

Hitsugi had hastily packed the tent, not wanting to just leave it there, it wasn't cheap after all... And his bike, he couldn't leave it either, so he walked it along the obscured trail to the cabin. He had met the hunter a couple of times, the guy was nice and knew Hitsugi liked hiking out here, and right now Hitsugi was so glad he knew of the cabin. "Yeah, that's it. Little one-room deal." He said as they reached the small structure.

The cabin was indeed very small, only meant for short stays. But it was cozy and well built. "I know the guy who owns it. He told me where he keeps the spare. Said if I leave the place how I found it, I can use it during the off season." He said, setting his bike by the door and checking under a stepping stone leading up to it. He wiped some mud off the key he found and unlocked the door, motioning for Alex to head in first. The cabin had everything one would need in one room. A small kitchen area with a stove, a small fridge, and a sink. Beside it was a small table with two chairs, and across from that was the bed. In a smaller offshoot to the cabin was the generator and tanks for the propane heater and oven...

Once inside, he wiped his feet on the doormat and went to the queen sized bed. Giving a relief-filled sigh when he laid down, sprawling out on his back. He hadn't noticed the new roundness to his lower belly...

After wiping his own feet, Alex cautiously entered the small cabin. He was a bit surprised at how cozy and rather homey it seemed, but was also rather grateful. If he and Hitsugi were going to be spending their time there, it was a good thing the space was comfortable. Alex then decided to take a bit of a closer look around the large room. He glanced into the fridge and cupboards, finding only a few small cans of food that thankfully hadn't expired. That done, he ran the sink, and was glad to find that the water worked well, and actually tasted pretty good. The generator was switched off, so after making sure it was on, hte young man was glad to find that he and his friend even had power.

"Wow. I'll admit, this seems pretty well put together for a hunting lodge in the middle of nowhere." Alex commented as he moved to lay down tiredly beside Hitsugi with a sharp exhale of relief. In a rather quick moment however, he noticed the odd curve that his companion's lower belly had taken to it. Not only that, as he sniffed the air, Alex noticed that Hitsugi smelled...different somehow. Moreso than he had before. "Um. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but are you feeling alright?" Alex sat up looking defensive. "I mean, clearly given everything that's happened...even I'm not feeling alright. It's just...there's something else...different about you."

Hitsugi got comfortable on the bed, laying with is feet off the edge, his tail tucked neatly between his legs. He idly watched Alex look around while he ran his fingers over one of his horns. he couldn't help feeling like it was kind of cool to have claws and horns and a tail. But he was far too much into sci-fi and the like for his own good sometimes...

He looked to Alex when he joined him on the bed, giving a soft sigh. He frowned at his question, turning to look at the ceiling. "No...I feel...tired. Like drained of energy." he said, closing his eyes. He hadn't noticed Alex's scent until he laid down, it had changed. it wasn't so arousing or enticing, but it was still quite odd to him. He shifted his lower half when he started to feel a strange weight and pressure in his lower belly, lifting his head to see what it was and freezing at the sight.

The bump was slowly growing, hard to notice unless you really focused on it, but it was indeed getting bigger at a pretty even pace. And now that Hitsugi noticed it, he could really feel the full feeling and weight..."O-oh....Oh god...Wh-what now...what's inside me?!" He yelped, staring at the bump with wide eyes.

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