Nature Calls (Closed with missingyou421)
Beau opened his eyes to look at Cole who was floating naked in the river. It did sound like a good idea but he knew he couldn't get to his feet himself.

"I need you to help me up," Beau said, holding out his hand. Cole sloshed out of the river and came over to help Beau back up, grunting under his weight. "Thanks."

Cole took off Beau's shoes and Beau struggled out of his clothes, taking Cole's arm as they walked to the river. Beau stopped and hissed, bending over a little as another contraction started.
Cole held onto Beau as the contraction peaked "was that a real one?" Cole asked frantically. He knew Beau was close to his due date but he never thought of what would happen if he actually went into labor whole they were out on their hike. 
Beau shook his head. "I've been having the practice ones all morning. Once I relax they'll stop." He patted Cole's arm reassuringly. "I'm fine. The water will help."

Beau shivered a little at the first touch of the water but gamely made his way in far enough for his belly to float, taking the pressure off his back and hips.

"Oh that feels good."
Cole let out a small sigh of relief even though he wasn't 100% sure that they weren't real contractions. Beau had been having practice contractions for the last month and none of them had been bad enough to keep him from talking or walking. But Beau said he was ok so Cole got back in the water and floated around with him. Enjoying the nice day and the cool water
Beau happily drifted in the water, the contractions slowing just as he said they would. He swam over to Cole, nudging him with his elbow and waggling his eyebrows.

"Want to make out for a bit?"
Cole smirk and happily obliged his lover.
Beau kissed him easily, enjoying the slick slide of Cole's tongue against his. They made out lazily, floating in the water and touching each other. Beau didn't know how long they had made out; his fingers were pruney. And there was an odd pressure in his belly.

Beau pulled back with an odd squeak and looked down and then back up at Cole, his mouth open in surprise.

"I think my water just broke."
"What?!" Cole said in shock then felt the water around him get warm. "Ok, um, let's get you onto the riverbank" He said trying to stay calm but silently freaking out inside. His hands were shaking and he was trying to remember everything they learned in birthing class.
Beau shook his head and grabbed Cole's hands, squeezing firmly. "I'd rather stay in the water for now. The water is giving my back a break."

Beau could see how Cole was shaking and he pulled him into a hug. "We have hours before the babies will be born. We'll stay in the water for a few more minutes and then we'll walk back to the car and head to the closest hospital."
Cole was shocked at Beau's calmness buy he thought if Beau could be calm during labor in the middle of nowhere then so could he. "Are you sure you will be able to male it to the car? It's over 8 miles." He said. They had been out here for two days and the first day they had covered give miles. The second day they covered three before Beau had to stop and they made themselves a spot at the river.
Beau shrugged. "We'll take it slow."

Beau tipped his head back and sighed easily. He felt a lot less pressure now that his water broke. It was even easier to breathe. Eight miles was a lot to walk right now. He probably should feel more worried about that then he was. Part of him would really prefer not to go to the hospital. He was healthy, in great shape, and on the last ultrasound, all three babies were at least 6 pounds. He could have the babies out here and then Cole could go get the car.
"Just let me know when you are ready and we will get walking." Cole said thinking of easier routes back to the car. The first 5 miles they had gone were tough terrain. Uphill, downhill and windy trails. "I'm going to start packing up. Stay in the water as long as you need to." He said getting out and putting his clothes back on.
Beau floated for a few minutes, a light contraction that was definitely more painful then the contractions earlier. He opened his eyes and looked over at Cole.

"Can you put the tent up and set up the cot and air mattress? Let's have them here."

Beau settled his feet on the river bed and walked towards the bank, groaning as all the weight of his belly came back when he was out of the water.

"We can do this ourselves."
Cole was a bit relieved to hear that Beau wanted to have the babies at the river bank. He honestly  never thought they would make it back to the car in time and it was safer to have the babies here then on a mountainside. "No problem babe. Give me 20 minutes." He said going through the pack and pulling out the tent. He set it up and then pulled out the big air mattress. Once it was inflated, he put it into the tent then went through the pack again to see what supplies they had that could be helpful during the births.
Beau sat on the grass, breathing slowly through another contraction. He ran his hand over his belly, using his other arm to prop himself up. He already felt better about deciding to stay put. The contraction ended and he looked over at Cole. "Check your phone and see what time it is. We should time the contractions and one just finished."
Cole nodded and noted the time that the contraction ended. "You want to get into the tent now or wait until you are in more active labor?"
"I'm good here." Beau patted the grass next to him. "Come sit with me. I want to lean on you."
Cole went over and sat with Beau, letting him lean on him as he rubbed his large rounded belly with his free hand. "I can't believe our babies are going to be here soon. I just hope everything will go smoothly  because we don't have any medical supplies."
"We have the first aid kit. When I had my appointment the day before we left, the babies were all facing the right direction and a good size. There shouldn't be any problems." He rubbed his chest lightly. "And I'll be able to feed them."
"Alright then. Let's have some babies." Cole said happily, even though he was a slight bit sad that Beau would no longer be pregnant at the end of the day. He loved seeing him pregnant. Knowing the man he loved was carrying and going to birth his children. There was something sexy about it. It drove him nuts, sexually.

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