True love. (Closed with bhdire8.)

(Ooh! I would love for Aki to have a large swollen belly and having him not being able to move around or stand up is fine with me. I love it when you come up with ideas, and if you do not mind me expressing it turns me on like a raging wildfire! I hope that I am not doing too much but if I am then you are free to tell me. Blush  .. :D)


Aki closed his eyes after a harsh, unstable kicking of the twin as he attempted a push. He reached down slowly, hesitantly letting his fingers touching the slowly emerging child's fully emerged head. He took in many soon to be needed breaths, using them to his advantage as he soon raised his head and proceeded to continue pushing for as long as his full strength would allow him .. or what was left of it that is. He wanted to be holding the daughter in his arms and hearing her ear piercing cries fill his ears. So far it has been two days of countless birthing. He was wondering as to how much more of it he would be able to go through before passing out. He wished that the child would not be born with problems because of how long it had been without oxygen but he kept himself positive even through such a harsh, unbearable situation known as birthing the second twin. He had a few thoughts rushing through his head.

He whimpered like so many other times before, wanting nothing more than to simply fall into a deep sleep but he could not. The child needed to be born. He knew that if the child would be in for a longer time then she would probably perish because of his fleshy opening squeezing her neck like the hangman on the verge of death's door. He tried his very hardest not to cry but he could not help it. He did so for a second as the large girl's head slowly turned to a side which was the right for a minute or so before stopping for a while. He gently stroked the soon to be born daughter's short haired head, making sure not to startle her or there would be more violent kicks.

"I promise to leave time to be with you as well. That is what family does. They make time for those they love." He said with a weary but warm smile. After resting for a while he lifted his legs, letting Nick work on the slowly brung forth child. "I promise to do my best. Our daughter is almost here." He spoke breathily. He listened to Nick, taking his words and attempting a hard push as he took a breath into his lungs. He closed his eyes tightly, trying his very hardest to making it through the whole process of pushing forth the child who wanted to be born.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(haha well that would certainly happen. But what i was proposing was for his opening to swell up so much for the immediate days after the birth, he could only move around with the help of Nick ;) surely, after he was again swelling with another baby babies? - this scene would repeat after they indulged in some lovemaking ~

n of course I don't mind you telling me! coz i get turned on as well with the scenes~ i'm glad we're sharing the same pleasure from this rp!)


Aki was sweating buckets now. The baby had finally turned and to watch Aki touching their baby's head like his, cradling and caressing her, it hit Nick hard .this was it, the moment that they bonded as a family. he smiled and nodded enthusiastically at Aki's promise to make time for him... it would be some difficult months ahead. Maybe they'd have to bring in a nanny ... he would have to make sure every member of their family had the quality time they deserved.

Aki's pushes were waning, lacking the power that had delivered Hercules so smoothly. Nick knew he had to get more hands-on now to ensure the safety of both mother and child. he held the head and applied small assistance in time with aki's pushes. "Push babyy... and stop. Then push again!" he instructed, gently guiding the baby's shoulder forward. It was tough work, and with each passing moment it was becoming tougher - but they were also closer to the end point.

"that's it! you did it Aki!" He exclaimed with finally, the first shoulder popped. This time there was just a weak drizzle of fluid coming with it. Even the amniotic fluid was running out. Aki's belly was noticeably smaller now. "I need you to deliver the 2nd shoulder now. take a deep breath and push again!" Nick said urgently. this would be th emoment. once the shoulder was out, only the hip was left and the baby would be able to start breathing with half the torso out.

(I am so lucky to have said yes to us roleplaying and now here we are, creating a story that has been awesomely made by the two of us. I am fine with Aki's opening to swell up after the rough birthing. Nick is such an affectionate lover like you are to me. Gentlemen like you are so rare. :))


Aki was indeed sweating, feeling as though he was in a marathon that would never end. He was soft when touching the child's damp hair, making sure to not rush when it came to pushing forth the child. He stopped from time to time, taking a minutes or so to regain the breaths that he had lost when attempting a upper body curling into himself push. He wanted to be able to lay down and relax, releasing himself into that soothing presence of darkness whenever he had found himself closing his eyes for what had seemed to be like even a short time.

He did not want to share their children with a pathetic nanny but kept the such offer in his mind until the such topic was brought up in conversation. He did as his beloved Nick had encouraged, lifting his upper body upward and pushing for what seemed like forever but it was actually a few minutes or so. He cried out whenever the child moved her shoulders from time to time as the child tried to figure out what was happening in the outside world from time to time whenever her head and shoulders were touched by either her mother and father.

Heavily, his upper body collapsed on the bed as he gasped for breath, shoving through the increasing haze of tiredness that had threatened to overcome him. He cried out in pure agony as the first broad shoulder had emerged free with help from Nick and the second one did after a few minutes of such agonizing pushing he forced his aching, exhausted body through. Now the bed was stained with blood and other unspeakable bodily liquids, his body was covered in salty sweat, his breasts were covered in warm milk and he felt as though he was close to bursting if he did not deliver the child soon. He was eager to hold the child and hum softly to her for the very first time. He found himself close to slumber but far away as well as the child began to move after her torso was freed. Now the hips were to be delivered but it seemed impossible with how tired he was. He desired to be able to finish the task without a single scratch but the hips seemed to be thick and plump due to the daughter's size.

"Owww! ..." He complained with a few groans, clutching the covers of the bed as he tried his hardest not to clamp his legs shut as his opening was swollen. 

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(haha i forgot how we got it started even, but yes, I do pride over our rp that's been lasting for so long and still going sorta strong? It's nice to get to know you ;) i recall vaguely i had at one point said something rather harsh to you? i'm grateful you had tolerated me and together we figured out a way to keep us moving forward!)


The shoulders, although coming quickly one after another, had exhausted the last of Aki's strength. Nick was getting the feeling his lover was nearing the end. "babe very good work, I am so proud of you...." hte pained groans from Aki was a first. Throughout the birth of their 2 lovely babies, this was the first time Aki had emitted a noise that was close to complaining. So feeble and desperate his whine was, Nick was really worried now.

"Aki,Aki look at me." he said, now Aki's face was sweaty and flushed from the exertion, but his lips were going pale at the continuous agony that he had endured through. "AKi.... I will help tug the baby out. You will have to give me a push, but we're working togehter at this last hurdel, do you hear me? i will be here with you. I'm right here with you." he said seeing Aki's gaze beginning to drift. This pain had gone on for so long, he was afraid Aki might not have what it took to deliver the rest of the baby.

he took a deep breath and clutched solidly on the baby's emerged torso. "on 3 Aki, 1, 2, 3!" he instructed, starting to turn and tug the baby - their daughte'rs surely a big one. Her chubby cheeks and thick trunk all work together to make the delivery harder. "Again, 1, 2, 3!" he said. now he was the only drive for AKi to continue pushing.

"One more! don't give up on me baby...." he said and with this last tug, the baby slipped forward a little more. Aki also hurled himself up and there it was, the hip was so close to his swollen opening now. 

(Hmm? .. I am not sure how our roleplaying started as well but I am lucky to be with you. And our roleplay is very strong. You did? I do not remember you saying something harsh but I have forgotten what you said so it is alright. I am glad that we get to roleplay with each other! :D)


Aki attempted a difficult, hard push, bearing down for as long as he possibly could. He took a few times to relax after each one, clenching his upper and lower teeth together as his body tensed up. He made sure not to be too loud as he did not want to startle the child who was their newborn son Hercules sleeping in the nursery down the seemingly endless hallway. He tried not to scream but instead he cried out when the hips of the child slowly slipped from his sore, puffy and throbbing opening's stretched skin in a pace that seemed like forever and ever to pass through his aching, weary body.

He breathed hard, feeling the shoulders of the baby slowly emerging from the depths of his body. He whimpered and whined like a fretful puppy being scolded by it's master, trying his very hardest to focus on each of Nick's words and his only. He wanted nothing more than to hold and embrace the child that would soon be born. He looked up and into the depths of Nick's eyes, listening to him speaking to him with all of his immediate attention and his only. He wanted to vomit, keeping it down for as long as he could. He felt as though he was covered head to toe in droplets of sweat, groaning when his beloved Nick helped with pulling the child from him inch by painstaking inch and inch of it from him as he was unable to stop moving and squirming. The pains he felt were too intense.

He was sadly weary after a few more hours. So far it has been two days that he had been birthing and had been in such cruel, agonizing labor by. "Yes, my love .. I hear you." Speaking soft and breathlessly he nodded weakly with a simple reply. He wanted nothing more than to be able to relax for a while but the child who was their soon to be daughter was soon to be born.  He was more than the word "eager" to get up and walk but he could not do something as simple as that. He also wanted to have the pressure in his large, tender breasts to be soothed by the soon to be sucking daughter.

His body was giving into the presence of birthing, clenching his teeth. He sighed, feeling as though he was on the verge of fainting. He passed out from time to time, always waking back up and pushing only when Nick told him, his body told him or the child had begun moving around. His belly was smaller but it was heavy and round like a large beach ball. He wanted to be able to stay awake for a while longer.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(haha yea, babe you are so accepting of me, alway so open to my ideas. I'm feeling very blessed to have you as well! ;))

.... ...

Aki's eyes would roll back sometimes as he was drifitng in and out of consciousness. The situation was dire and Nick was quickly interfering more than before. "On the coming push, i will tug the baby out. stay strong babe, and PUSH!" He said in his authoritative voice, grasping the baby tight around her shoulders, he pulled in time with this last, desperate push from Aki.

It was difficult. Nick had to control his strength carefully to avoid causing any real damage to the infant, yet at the same time he had to clasp her tight to move her at all. Her bottom was thick, like her mother now, it barely fit through Aki's pelvis. Seconds turn into minutes, but finally Nick was feeling movement.

"Now!" he exclaimed to encourage for another push,a nd with this added force from within Aki's womb, the baby finally broke through from the tight pelvis and slipped right out. A huge puddle of birthing fluids followed and then... it was wailing from the baby.

"It's a girl Aki... your wish had come true." he smiled looking at the strong, chubby baby squirming in his bloodied hands. He quickly placed the baby on Aki's now puffy belly. "There you go...." he said quickly taking his place behind the now weak Aki, scooping him up to put him on his chest so he could sit up and look properly at their little angle. "We have a son and a daughter now... thank you so much Aki.." he whispered, hugging Aki tight. "Sh...Aki?" Nick said with worry. Aki was so weak now... he wasn't sure if he was conscious. 

(Aw, thank you, my love. This is a very fun hobby to do when I am feeling bored or sad. Your ideas are spectacular and interesting to roleplay.:))


Aki tried his very hardest to remain conscious and attentive but the harsh, stabbing pains plagued him in his tender, bruised belly became more and more intense. He felt as though he was slowly suffering to the point of death but that was not true. The pains were intense it felt like that point. From time to time his eyes would raise upward and he would drift into unconsciousness from one time or another.

He wanted to be able to relax and focus only on slumbering but the slowly emerging daughter's life was on the ultimate line. He did as he was told to do by Nick, taking in a large, deep breath as he pushed for as long as his body would allow. His body quivered badly, effort noticeable in his attempts. So far it had been a long two and a half days that he was in labor, the strain was observed in his expressions as his eyes were tightly clenched closed. He fought against his body, struggling against his gradually spreading weariness. Life was like such a struggle sometimes. He wanted to be able to hold the child and be able to relax in slumber for a while. He felt a building up of pressure upon his swollen female flesh known as his opening. He was focused as much as he could be, struggling his hardest to remain awake.

He felt like his body was slowly shutting down but he was not dying even though he felt that way. He was just tired. He felt like he was close to his goal and he was shoving his way through the pains that were striking him from within the depths of his belly in the form of kicks from the child. He cried out one last and final time, collapsing on the bed with a final gasp as the rest of the child slipped free from her mother. He sighed with relief, hearing the loud, piercing crying from the blood covered daughter. He used a towel and gently wiped the daughter clean which startled her and caused her to cry even louder.

After a minute or so he began breathing weakly, his lungs struggling to breathe in and out. He then fell into a pitch dark black unconsciousness, staying in that state of mind and body for a long while. He ended up slumbering for a few days or so. He heard Nick trying to wake him up but he was too far gone into unconsciousness. He dreamed about their newly born son Hercules and soon to be named daughter. The children were a new and glorious part of Nick and Aki's life. He tried to wake up some days but his mind would not allow him to do such things so he was lost in peaceful thoughts.

He could hear things around him but could not awaken.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(i'm glad you can cheer up by playing this ;) it's real fun for me as well, glad that it's mutual!)

(Oh I see Aki here is running into real trouble if he's sleeping for days.... lol i guess this is a situation that would require hospitalization... )


Their baby girl was big and healthy. There was a lot for Nick to tend to at the same time, and unavoidably the squirming baby took precedence. He cleaned her up, weighed her, marked her time of birth and everything while he left the baby, swaddled, landing on her mother's still swollen womb. He thought Aki was just asleep and he stepped in to help their baby girl suckle from his swollen tits. it was a lovely process and following the strong suckling on Aki's breasts, his womb also started contracting and expelling the afterbirth.

Things were smooth and Nick quickly disposed of the placenta, making sure it was intact. Any residue placenta left within Aki would have cause serious trouble. When things were settled and theri daughter also fell asleep from her first meal, he burped her like an expert babysitter and went to settle the girl with her elder brother.

Nick cleaned up everything, changing sheets to make sure Aki woudl be sleeping comfortably. His love deserved this rest so much... while he was asleep, Nick took out the ring he had prepared and slip it onto his ring finger - he coudln't wait to see Aki's reaction when he saw it coming out from his slumber.

It didn't occur to Nick that something could be wrong, but when the next morning came and Aki still coudln't wake up from his sleep, he started getting worried. There were no bleeding and he was breathing normally, but that exhaustion might have caused something more. Nick could not take riskss - this was his love in question. He had to take the safe way out, so when in the afternoon Aki was still not responding to his callings, he called the ambulance.

Nick spent all his time in the hospital beside Aki. He was told the children were in fine condition, and Aki was just passed out from exhaustion, but he couldn't help but worry seeing Aki connected to all the tubes and machines. He would sleep on the sofa in his room, and when he was awake, he would stay by his bedside, interlacing their fingers together, waiting for Aki to come out from his deep sleep.

"Aki... aer you ready to meet our little ones? we have to name our daughter..." he muttered, watching the ring that was shining on Aki's hand. Then a finger twitched....

(i put them in the hospital , but as soon as Aki woke up, they can be released - but yes, Aki's going to walk with his legs wide apart to not agitate his very swollen feminine lips ;))

(Yes, it cheers me up because it is fun to explore because of putting my imagination and darkest desires to use with you in our roleplay. Whenever I am sad you always cheer me up. And I am also glad that I can keep up with you in our delightful roleplay. :))


Aki was glad that the child he was birthing was finally delivered. As much as he tried he could not simply awaken from his fainting spell. He felt the rough presence of the daughter's feeding, not able to react even though he tried his very hardest to. He felt everything around him, he could hear and feel things touching him but he was left in the realm of darkness. He wandered the such lands of his dream like state of mind, feeling as if he was able to collect his thoughts and correct them so that he could return to the realm of what was the consciousness. He was unaware that there was a ring on his finger but he would be in for a special surprise when he would awaken. He had been given a gift that would change his whole entire life.

Meanwhile, the newborn, eager to feed child yawned softly after detaching her warm, moist mouth from her mother's sore nipple that she had once fed from. She was now content, her stomach filled with warm, snow white colored nourishing milk. She closed her eyes and fell asleep instantly, feeling her entire body relax upon her mother's still one. She slumbered soundly with silent breaths, feeling as though she could dream for the first time. She stayed asleep for a time and had been that way for a few hours before crying again and startling her brother Hercules who also began crying as well. He was unable to feel the placenta because he was too far gone into unconsciousness. Life was like a race against time to wake up or risk being asleep for a permanent time. He was in need for medical assistance.

Meanwhile, the young mother that was Aki had been checked on the gurney, heart monitors placed on his chest to monitor his breathing. He was wheeled to the ambulance and placed into it and was accompanied by his beloved Nick who held his hand the whole way as they were soon rushed to the hospital with loudly blaring sirens piercing many eardrums. The two children were placed on either side of him and were slumbering after crying for a few hours straight. After an hour they wer greeted by a large building with a large sign saying "hospital" and were wheeled into the such building where a room was waiting for them. They were waiting for a few hours and was hooked up to a few machines, he had a tube connected to his nose that was helping him to breathe.

He responded with his single finger moving slightly, he slowly fluttered his once closed eyelids, trying to figure out as to what was happening. He looked around the room, unaware as to what occurred. He swallowed but his throat was dry and parched from the long hours of being in pain so he tried his hardest to speak but all that came out was a soft cough.

"Nick? .." He said softly, looking up at Nick with curious, happy eyes. "Where are we? .. are the twins alright?"

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(ohhhh well i can certainly say Nick did act out some o fmy darkest desires ;) to have this forbidden relationship wiht his stepfather was dark enough! I'm flattered that you find so much joy in our rp, and certainly , don't be shy letting me know when you need some outlet! i'm a good 'listener' as well ;))


"AKi!" the young man exclaimed, blinking away the tears that was quickly welling up in his eyes. He failed miserably. the tears accumulated faster and Nick was soon feeling them trickling down his cheeks. "Aki... you scared me." he pressed his face against Aki's hand, rubbing his face against his palm. "You're out of it for so many days.... we're in the hospital now." he said sighing a deep breath of relief. "The twins are fine... our little girl is waiting for you to give her a perfect name." he smiled through his tears and surged forward.

Nick hugged Aki so tightly. He had notified the doctors and soon they would be disturbed by the medics, but for this moment, he wanted to be close to his lover... fiance now. He was quite sure, even though he still hadn't asked properly yet, that Aki should agree to this. He pressed butterfly kisses on Aki , needing this to reassure himself that all was fine now.

finally calming down enough that his voice wouldn't break, he took a deep breath and asked. "Aki... will you marry me?" he whispered quietly. Although he was reasonably sure... this moment was still intense and he awaited nervously how Aki would respond to this. "I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine... forever. I'm not my father... and my promises are promises for life. Aki...." he added - suddenly the young man was feeling insecure, and he blurted out whatever he could think of, as if Aki would need further convincing to say the 'yes". 

(I am up for any ideas you wish to do, my beloved. I have no limits. Our roleplay can be as dark as you wish. And thank you for offering your ears to me. :))


Aki smiled gently, gazing up into the deepest depths of his lover's emotional tear filled eyes. He felt his own eyes water, glad that the two large twins were finally born, safe from trouble and were healthy. He was truly relieved that the two children he previously birthed were able to be to be loved and cherished like they were meant to be. Life was truly about living each and every single passing day to the fullest.

"Hmm? .. how about Angel?" Aki replied to Nick, wanting more than anything to see the daughter named Angel and the son named Hercules."I am sorry, my love. I did not mean to scare you." He said softly, his stomach still sore but he was relieved to had been from pains. "Thank God above that our twins are alright." He expressed another smile, never ever wanting to glance away for even a single second. He was unprepared when hid beloved had embraced him but he expressed an embrace with Nick in his openly eagerly waiting arms as well. He was not aware that his opening was swollen and twice the size.

Life was now a true and exciting existence with passing minutes like the quietly ticking hands of a clock in the room upon the wall. He felt safe in Nick's strong but gentle arms, never wanting to ever be let loose from it. Not even for a single second. He blushed when he was kissed ever so softly by Nick's feather soft lips. He was also unprepared when he was gifted with another positive amount of news.

That something was .. marriage. "Yes Nick .. yes! ... I would be blessed to have your hand in marriage!" He spoke quickly, eagerly and excitedly. He sighed blissfully, glad that the heartless bastard Christopher would not be in the way of Aki and Nick. He could burn in the depths of hell for all eternity for as much as he cared. He was glad that the twins were finally born. His nether region was swollen and sore but it did not affect him much because he was laying down but was in for a rude awakening when he would stand or sit. He felt something cold on one of his fingers and looked down, his eyes wide with surprise as he saw a bright gold ring already worn upon it.  

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(haha well lately i'm not like in a particularly dark mode, so we'd be going vanilla for awhile. Let's see ;) and yea sure no problem. we knew each other rather "intimately" isn't it? i sorta feel like i had a fair idea of what you are in real life, as adorable as Aki is ;))


Nick broke into the brightest smile possible hearing Aki saying yes. this must be the happiest moment in his life - perhaps even better than when their babies were born. This moment marked the time when Aki finally became his... their union together. He had to give his Aki the grandest wedding possible. the loveliest things on earth. the most love he could give...

He chuckled and found tears again welling up in his eyes, seeing the surprised look on Aki when he discovered the ring on his finger. "i'd fitted it on when you fell asleep after little Angel's out... i-i... i couldn't wait to have you as mine." he smiled and admitted almost sheepishly. "And yes, our little Angel... the miracle bringer. Our lovely bundle of joy..." he nodded agreeing to the lovely name Aki chose. "And she will have the same initial as you." he smirked finding that connection rather interesting.

Just then, the doctor came in to check on Aki. the one thing that Nick didn't like about the hospital was, Aki would be touched and assessed by all these strangers. he didnt'n like it... but with Aki's condition, he tried hard to tolerate it.

the doctor gave Aki a thorough assessment, under Nick's watchful eyes. the young man was fully aware of Aki's progress, so the moment the doctor finished his examinationn, he requested for Aki to be released from the hospital.

the doctor didn't disagree, but he did ask Nick to step out for awhile. he warned Nick of the damage Aki suffered on his opening. (nick wasn't too happy that the doctor checked Aki even on THAT place, but he knew that was necessary for Aki's wellbeing)

"To help him heal, you can put on some balm to alleviate the inflammation. but for the coming few days, he might be experiecning soreness. Avoid touching water for the coming few days, and he should heal alright." the doctor instructed, before signing under the paper approving for the release.

Nick smiled and came back into the room once all the paperwork was done. he'd asked for the babies to be brought in and for the first time, he helped Aki sit up - and immediately the older man hissed in pain.

(It is alright, I am fine with either Nick doing dark or vanilla. We do know each other intimately like Nick and Aki do and I am like my character Aki in so many ways so you are 100% right. I am not older like he is though. :))


The older man who was Aki felt young once more when Nick was around. He expressed a proud and loving smile of his own, gazing up into his eyes. He did not have to ponder about the curious question of either whether or not to marry his beloved protector. He was glad to be with him forever and ever. Not even the moments of death would ever separate them both. Death was a curse but also a part of life.

He felt blessed, wanting to be with Nick even with his last breath. As he went to say something he was cut off by the doctor and became nervous. He tried his very most to not squirm away from the man who he did not know of by name. He did not like to be touched by any other man but his beloved Nick. He was happily relieved after the doctor had stopped touching him in the sensitive part of his body.

He was both female and male but he had standards and as so he only let Nick's hands explore him and just him. He yawned softly, feeling rather weary but was much too restless to simply slip away into sweet, soothing slumber. "It is a beautiful ring, sweetie. I hope it did not cost too much." He was more than eager to experience the wedding evening and then be able to be impregnated with more of their children by Nick's thick, well endowed manhood that he grew well into. "Oh Nick, I am blessed to have such an understanding husband like you, Angel and Hercules have such a wonderful mother and father."

He smiled wide but it faded as he felt pain in his nether region. He wanted to figure out as to why he was sore in that particular area of his body but he did not complain too much. He was confused but he laid back down as to avoid the pain. "Ugh .. I feel so much pain between my legs." He sighed with relief as he felt no pain while laying back down on one of his sides. "Angel is our little precious, innocent daughter." He looked up as he heard the sound of two children crying filled the room. A nurse brought in the two twins. "And our handsome little Hercules will grow up to be a true man like you one day."

"Here you go Miss Aki and Mister Nick, your son and daughter." The nurse said softly, holding the wailing two twins who seemed to be in sync with each other. "Congratulations."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(It's rili nice to know you through the rp :) you're a precious little thing and the pleasure's all mine to have gotten to know you! oh and I'll be correcting the nurse in this post for the use of pronoun. But that's just Nick - i will respect your choice of your pronoun. Whichever you prefer, I will use it.)

Nick nodded lowering Aki back down. He knew of course the condition of his nether region - he had seen it himself, and the doctor had showed him ways to deal with it. He would have to take great care of his love once they were home to ensure a speedy recovery....

The arrival of their babies brought out true smiles from Aki and Nick. However, Nick did not miss the use of pronoun by the nurse. "Ms... I'd prefer you address my fiance as Mr Aki. He's the mother to our babies, but he's a unique one who would also be treated like a man. Don't confuse on that." he said matter-of-factly, handing over Angel for Aki to hold. "There you go love...."

He bumped Hercules in his arms. "You hadn't properly hold Angel yet... she's my little sweetie as well. Hercules will have a lot of responsibility on him since he'd have to fend for his little sister." he smiled at Aki. It was clear how proud hte young father was of their babies.

The children were fed and the crying lasted only for awhile, before they both slept soundly. Nick cooed over them and asked for the nurse to bring in a baby carrier basket, designed for twins. Nick pampered the 2 little ones and placed them soundly into the basket.

"AKi.. I've called our driver to come pick us up. Do you want to get changed now?" he smiled looking back at Aki. They can leave right away and he couldn't wait to settle Aki in their house now - with their family.


(I agree with getting to know you as well you are so sweet. You are kind and protective with Aki I love that about you. I do not mind Nick correcting the nurse. :))


Aki sighed with relief as he was laid down on his back by Nick once more. He listened to the doctor speaking about a few topics in order to help assist with Aki's sore, swollen opening. He did not complain even though he wanted to do that, wanting nothing more than to be home with Nick and the two twins alone. He did not trust other men touching him even if they were gentle and harmless. As time passed along the two fathers Nick and Aki were both becoming increasingly impatient with being released from the hospital but did not ever complain about it. He was glad that soon he would be back in the familiar surroundings of the home that he and his beloved Nick had called of home. Life was only about him and Nick and their newly born children Hercules and Angel.

When spoken to by Nick the nurse nodded, apologizing about the lack in judgment that she did when calling Aki Mrs and feminine with the such words. "I apologize Mr Nick. I shall not make that mistake with calling Mr Aki Mrs again." She did and gently placing loudly wailing Hercules in Nick's warmly waiting arms and the second twin who was Angel in Aki's ones.

"Thank you for handing Angel to me, sweetheart. I dont think that I can get up as much." Aki the mother smiled up at Nick,  graciously thanking him as he opened his arms, holding the child who was Angel and offered a large eagerly waiting breast to her which her mouth gently latched upon and fed from as it's warm milk flowed into it, slowly falling into a peaceful, relaxed state of slumber. He smiled down at Angel with a gently expressed motherly smile. Life was focusing only on building the family that both Nick and Aki now. "I agree with Hercules having to protect his little sister. He is her big brother after all."

After Angel fell asleep it left only Hercules to be fed as well, he gently held him and expressed a slight wince of discomfort as Hercules roughly latched onto one of his breasts for only a minute before his face relaxed. When Hercules faded into slumber he let Nick put both babies in the baby carrier basket and answered his lover's asked of question. "I would love to change into my clothing." He said softly to his beloved Nick to avoid waking up the two now soundly slumbering twins. "I cannot wait until we are out of this damn hospital and at home."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(Aki - and i mean you in real life and also in the rp - is so sweet I have to protect him! he's so open and vulnerable in front of Nick. he will be prone to hurt if I am not there to protect him ;))


Nick frowned seeing the rough suckling of Hercules had caused Aki pain. he knew their baby didn't do it intentionally, but it still didn't feel right to hear Aki hissing in pain. He stroked the back of Hercules to calm the baby, almost like sending a message to him to be gentle. The baby had no one to compete iwth him, his little sister was fed, so there was no rush.

He settled the twins in the basket, where the 2 babies snuggled close together immediately. Perhaps to them, the difference wasn't that much now that they were outside in the real world, because they still had each other close by. They were not alone...

Nick nodded, agreeing very much with Aki. "Yes dear. ... we will be home with a new identity. not only are we parents now.... we are also husbands." he smiled taking Aki's left hand to clasp him on his hand. "I designed this ring myself. It symbolized my love for the dearest soul on earth, and also the mommy of our babies." he smiled - of course, the use of plural in "babies" did not restrict to Hercules and Angel. he fully intended to have a big family, so now the priority was to help Aki heal as quickly as possible.

He pulled Aki up once again, steadying him by his waist when he wobbled. Afterall it had been a long time since Aki had last walked. He took him securely in his arms and shed the hospital gown away. Aki almost looked like he was still pregnant: his breasts were swollen and heavy with milk, his aerola engorged and puffy with the recent feeding, his belly was still bloated with his womb struggling to recover. Nick clasped his jiggling belly and held him up. His belly was soft enough, Nick's palm almost sank deep within it. Aki might not be in his most flattering self right now, but Nick was still truly in love with him.

Holding Aki, Nick helped pull on his clothes. He had chosen a baggy sweatpants for Aki, with the softest silk panties - yes, panties - for him to wear. It was intended to hug his swollen feminine lips with the gentlest touch. However, Nick found that Aki was still hissing at any contact to his abused opening. "Shh.. is that too uncomfortable? will you prefer no underwear insteadl?" He asked gently, cupping the nether region of Aki's and for the first time, felt how heated the area was from the inflammation.


(Aw you are so sweet. Nick is such a strong man and so are you. :))


Aki's badly weakened body was sadly sore but he did not complain when Hercules fed from him, gently stroking his soft hair with the other hand that was free. He sighed softly, becoming less sore when he gotten used to it as time passed along. He wanted to be the best mother and be able to truly bond with his two children. Life was eager to be explored and conquered. It was also meant to be truly proud of.

The two now sleeping twins had a deep bond to each other, yawning gently as both loaned each other their warmth. Both brother and sister slumbered for a while to rest their bodies and minds.  Hercules was smaller than his sister but he was still prepared to comfort his beloved sister with all of his mind, body and soul but for now all he could do was simply kept his sister warm with each passing minute.

Meanwhile, Aki was excited to know that he, Nick and their precious twins were finally discharged from the hospital. He had only his weak body and sore, swollen opening to tend to by Nick and him only. He slowly arose to his feet with help from Nick who stood nearby, his legs spread far apart from each other as he felt the tender flesh of it become bothered because of the upright presence of his body.

"That is wonderful news, now we don't have to worry about those nurses or doctors touching our children." He only felt safe when he was with Nick and him alone. He would have to be used to the twins also joining the family. He only allowed one person to touch him and that someone was Nick. He felt relief when he dressed himself in the baggy sweat pants and panties but did not want to be dressed in underwear because of how sore his nether region was. He wanted nothing more than to be able to walk properly. Life was easy when his beloved Nick was by his side and right now he needed him more.

"Thank you for helping me, my love but the panties hurt, I would prefer not to wear them." He said softly, walking around the room like a crab on the shore of a beach. He took the panties off, not fearful to strip his clothing from his body from the hips down. He sighed once more but this was from happiness. After removing the panties he redressed in the wonderful, stretchable sweatpants once more.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(Nick is, and well, the difference between Nick and I... most obviously... is that I didn't have that wealth with me... so sad, isn't it? ;))


Nick nodded happily. he shared similar thoughts with Aki. he dsliked other people touching the twins. The dislike was even greater when they attempted touching Aki. When Aki still had not come out from his slumber, there were times when the young man doubted himself. Nick was afraid his decision for a home birth had caused Aki real danger. it was a great relief when their doctor assured him that was not the case. Angel was a big baby, and so was Hercules, even though he was already smaller. In fact, the doctor even praised him for how he successfully managed to avoid tearing on Aki.

That had Nick again getting confident in himself. he vowed to not repeat this episode, and would take care of Aki with great care from now on, until he was nursed back to health. it was showed by him asking thoughtfully what Aki wanted. The panties looked great on Aki... although slightly feminine, it hugged his big bottom nicely. Nick collected it and would reserve it for later.

With the sweatpants again fitted on Aki, Nick opened the door to hand the twins to their driver. "Aki? Let's go home." Nick smiled at his love and reached out his arm for Aki to grab. Aki was walking like a crab. His belly was still puffy from how stretched it was by the twins. To anyone who did not see the twins, they would assume Aki was still pregnant, waddling with his husband helping him. "Aki... you're so cute like this." Nick whispered to Aki, appreciating even this clumsy side of his fiance. "you are so perfect." The beaming smile from nick demonstrated to everyone how much he loved his partner.

Once they returned home, the twins were again picked up by Nick. They went to the nursery to settle the 2 infants, before Nick again held Aki's waist gently, escorting him back to their room. "I think it's time for us to apply that balm, don't you think so?" he smiled cheesily at Aki, lowering him onto their shared bed. He will peel away the loose sweatpants to reveal the bare bottom of Aki's. 

(I am not rich as well so we share that. And it is not sad. I do wish I was rich as well so I could share my written stories around the world though. :))


Aki had to stop himself from attacking each of the doctors and nurses as he saw the two newborn twins Hercules and Angel being checked. He simply watched over them like a hawk protecting it's babies. Life was all about loving the family that he now had but he could not get up from the bed to do such things. He was relieved that he could be freed from pains. He only bonded with Angel and Hercules for what was a minute but he already found himself falling head over heels in love with such defenseless offspring that was not fortunately brought into the world.

He was also worried that he would probably in danger as well but he was from worried when the doctor told them that his life was spared from death's cold, bony hand. Living was now about loving Nick and their two twins that would be able to be adored to no possible end. He walked with suffering but he had did without any possible complaining or suffering. He sighed in relief as he and his family left the hospital and were heading home. The doctor held the twins gently, smiling at the two lovers and then walked away with slow steps as to not walk too fast.

"Thank you, Nick. I could not have done this without you." He said happily, expressing a warm, loving smile up at his beloved Nick before watching the driver carefully and gently putting the twins in their car seats. After that he opened the door to help Aki into the car and stepped back to let Nick do the rest of the tasks which was getting up into the seat. "I am glad to be going home with you and our twins."

He rode in the car on his back to avoid being in pain once again. He whimpered softly, feeling as he had been in unbearable agony. He closed his eyes for the whole car ride. Soon the car wen to a complete stop after a few hours of what seemed like endless driving down an empty road. He felt eager to be back at the homes familiar surroundings. After getting in the house with help from Nick he had laid down on the bed, spreading his legs and letting Nick put the balm on the aching flesh of his swollen opening. "It is a good time to put the balm on."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(oh, you want to be a published writer? that's a great target to work on. Writing is a lovely way of expressing yourself, it's somewhat relaxing when you get to express your ideas freely!)

Nick smiled at the docile way Aki was presenting himself. his fiance was so lovely and gentle. He was also fully accepting of Nick's prompts and ideas. Sometimes Nick didn't know what he did in his love to deserve a lovely partner as Aki.

"This could hurt a little..." he warned applying the balm. Aki's feminine part was horribly swollen, even his fingertip was agitating enough he hissed in pain. Nick could not prevent it, though. He even had to spread his lips to put balm inside, along the canal of Aki's, to get the balm working. The entire area was swelling up high and throughout the process, Aki was wincing in pain.

"Shh... relax. This will hurt even more if you are so tensed up." Nick said. This was tricky. Nick wasn't too familiar with the usage of the balm, and he was a little nervous as well putting on the balm. He tried to be quick, spreading it evenly on the affected area. Nonetheless, when they were finally finished with this daunting task, Nick was finding himself rather sweaty.

"Phew.. that was done. The doctor saidyou should recover fully in 2-3 days' time." he said putting away everything. Gathering Aki in his arms, Nick cupped AKi's now deflated belly gently. "This would also return to normal in a few weeks' time..." he rubbed Aki's deflated belly. There were a lot of wrinkles on it now, his skin not shrinking enough after the delivery of the twins. Nick gently massaged the area. "And if you feel like sleeping, you can. I will wake you up when the twins need their next feeding." Nick kissed AKi's face gently.


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