The Kings Lover (With Lovebite)
Ben watches Thomas with the newborn, a soft smile on his face the entire time. After a few minutes he cuts the cord before wrapping her up in a towel. Glancing back at the clock he knew that he had to get Thomas home, before either of them were found out.
Thomas looked up at Benjamin, knowing what he was thinking as he sighed,"Help me up. You can call me a cab."He said, though took a breath to push out the after birth first, flinching just a bit and tilting his head back again. Moving the baby girl gently to suckle at his chest, smiling softly still and closing his eyes.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"You know that's not going to happen" Ben helps Thomas get his clothes back on before taking him home. Ben doesn't see Thomas again for some time, his father having Ben accompany him on world trips.
Thomas had been avoiding getting pregnant by Joseph for as long as he could, waiting for Benjamin to get back from his trip with his father. He used every excuse in the book, from Bella - who was six months old now, to himself being tired or sick, then just looking for work to do instead. Looking to make good on what Ben had said the last time they had met, he wanted to carry his child, not the old man who was also known as his husband.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
When Ben does return it is only for one night, for a brief party for one of his father's many companies. Their coupling that night was brief, only lasting an hour or so before they would be missed. Ben is gone sometime after the party, Thomas not seeing him again that night or for many more after.
Thomas made sure to cover it up, he slept with Joseph that night as well, he was drunk enough to only really go one round before he promptly passed out. He was thankful of that at least, as the days went by, the more he couldn't stand the fat old man other than him being his daughters father. Though he did nothing more than what the usual father did, paying for her things and sometimes picking her up once in a while. That was enough for him, he would give Bella all the love she could ever want or need.

He started showing just as soon as he started showing symptoms, he had a chauffeur drive him to the clinic when he was sure he was pregnant to get a examination. Ending up getting an ultrasound as well to reveal that he was carrying five healthy babies, he was in shock the entire way home. The shock didn't end that day either, even almost nine months later he was still surprised that he could be so fertile as he laid on the hospital bed. An iv drip of pain medications under the skin of his arm, the braxton hicks had become too painful for him to walk anywhere. So his husband had him admitted, he was to be on bedrest for the rest of his pregnancy as the doctor said. But Joseph didn't like the sound of that, he had them put him on a scedual for labor induction, and that's what he was laying around waiting for now.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Though the Braxton Hicks contractions had gotten worse it didn't seem that actual labor wanted to start anytime soon. It was nearly midnight, the hospital having quieted down for the night. Thomas had forced himself up and out of the bed, had made his way to the bathroom, using it before he found himself leaning against the wall, his hand running over his large stomach. He was tired of laying around.

While he was standing there, with the bathroom door cracked open slightly he hears the door to his room open only he couldn't quite see who had entered from his current position. Bella, who was currently asleep on the couch made no noise of being woken up, or of even being aware that someone had entered.
"Nurse?"He called curiously, wondering who was in his room past visiting hours,"If I pressed the emergency button it was by accident."He added, curving a hand beneath his wide low belly, moving to push open the door to the bathroom and waddle out. Almost always feeling heavy now, as he sighed and looked up at the door.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"I don't think I could be considered a nurse" Thomas recognized the voice almost immediately, though it had been some time since he had actually heard it. Ben was sitting on the couch, running his fingers through Bella's hair as she slept.
"Ben?"He laughed softly, smiling as he saw his lover on the couch, glancing to the door and then him again,"When did you get back into town?"He moved to crawl slowly onto the bed, holding his belly and leaning back against the pillows on his side.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Bout an hour or so ago" He shrugs before setting his hand back in his lap and covering Bella up with the blanket she had thrown off. "So what all have I missed, besides the obvious"
"You came straight here?"He asked, running his hand over his own belly,"Missed me?"He smiled a bit and sighed looking to Bella as he covered her up again, sitting up slightly,"Besides a bit of bullshit from Joe... Having to let go of my job... And being stuck here, nothing really."He replied still in a slightly bitter tone, but he was glad to see the other after so long,"How long are you staying this time?"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Ben shrugs "I don't know, but as far as I know I don't have anywhere to be" He gets up before coming over to the bed, taking a seat. "How long have you been here?"
Thomas nodded, shifting over slightly and turning onto his back, sitting up so his belly rested on his lap while Benjamin took a seat,"A while. Joe wants them to induce my labor, but they won't do it without consent from me. So he's just kept me here."He replied, shrugging and laying his head back,"At least I don't have to hear him shit talk me all day. Bella doesn't need to be in a place like that."He rubbed his belly, looking over to her and then to Ben again.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Ben reaches out to run his hand over Thomas' stomach. He can feel the babies moving underneath his touch, smiling softly as he did.
Tobias watched him as he smiled, placing his hand on top of his,"Quintuplets."He said,"Five babies."He reached and ran his fingers through his hair, sitting up to kiss him softly.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Ben kisses Thomas back softly, pulling away after a minute or two. "His or...?"
Thomas laughed and shook his head some,"Yours."He replied,"I'm sure."He said quietly, a hand moving to rub his belly again,"My fucking back hurts enough to tell me that much."He kissed him again and chuckled.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Ben kisses him again before having Thomas roll over onto his side. Ben reaches over to grab a pillow from beside the bed before putting it between Thomas' legs to take some of the pressure off his back. He then begins to run his hand along Thomas' back.
Thomas groaned softly when he turned, sighing as he closed his eyes and held his belly with both hands for a moment before leaning his head on one hand. Smiling in relief as Ben helped him gain some moments of being comfortable for once,"You're a lifesaver."He leant his head back, rubbing his belly with his other hand while he rubbed at his back, eyes closed and breathing even.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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