Set to Sea (closed RP with @bhdire8)
James felt instant relief and anxiety all at the same time once he'd blurted out the truth, watching nervously as Arthur approached. He instinctively backed up a little, dropping the blanket at last to reveal his swollen belly, which was apparent now that he wasn't wearing a coat or layered shirts to try and hide it. He nodded quickly, blinking away his prior tears and slipping his hand over Arthur's, giving it a gentle squeeze. "It's yours.", he confirmed, a tad shaky as he sat down on the edge of the bed, tugging his companion to sit by him. "Do you remember when I visited that doctor? I went to a local matriarch- the female leader of my kind's tribes. We talked, and... Look, I understand this is really sudden. I wouldn't fault you for wanting to leave..", he paused, swallowing thickly. "I made arrangements for the birth, and afterwards as well. But, yes. You're...going to be a father.", he said softly, gingerly running his hand along his belly and glancing down at it, feeling a sudden burst of maternal instinct. He didn't care anymore if Arthur didn't want it; this was his child regardless, and James would love it with or without his support.
Arthur was still processing this shocking news. He followed James' lead and went on to sit down beside him, watching still in awe at the bump. He took a few deep breathes in to clear his mind, but still all that he could think of was that... he was going to be a father. There was a tiny, fragile life growing within james... and...

It slowly dawned on him what James was talking about. His memories traced back to the time when James was so sickly but things returned to normal soon enough after that visit to the clinic.. and that he was....he had plans!?

"You didn't think it necessary to tell me? what did you plan to do? to hide until you couldn't anymore and then disappear into the sea, head off to the matriarch... or whatever leader to have the baby? is that how you planned it out?" Arthur said, the confusion slowly built up to become fury. "You didn't plan on letting me in on this.... are you so concinved i would leave you to have made all those plans yourself? James... this is MY child as well! 'you won't fault me for wanting to leave'... you've just blatantly ASSUMED i would leave!" he huffed standing up and started pacing around the room. "And why didn't you tell me! at least I could take care of you... I..I could have done so much more! is that why yo've been hiding away from my touch? not letting me near when we're in bed? James... i don't understand. For how long do you think you could keep it under wraps? Admittedly I've been dumb enough to not have noticed the signs, but look at you!" he stopped abruptly, pointing at the bump and... what a gorgeous bump that was. that gentle swell looking so delicate and beautiful on the selkie. James faltered in his outburst with the overwhelming urge to touch and caress the belly.

Arthur slumped back down on the bed and covered his eyes. There was all kinds of emotions in him: happiness, excitement, frsutration, hurt, ... love. He was also annoyed with himself for making the situation so sour, he just couldn't control hismelf.
Admittedly he was surprised by Arthur's sudden outburst, jumping a bit when he raised his voice. He wanted to explain a bit better, but it was obvious the other was infuriated, continuing on his rant regardless of any interjection James tried to give. He shut his mouth and stared, the accusations coming from emotion rather than logic; it was far more complex than Arthur made it out to be. After all, it hadnt been James's intention to simply run away without a word, he'd only been waiting for the right -

'Look at you!', for some reason, that hit a nerve with James. It wasn't just the typical aspects of the pregnancy weighing him down; he'd definitely been unprepared for the changes to his body- specifically the growth of his belly. He'd grown admittedly insecure, often feeling too big and unattractive with the swell of his tummy awkwardly jutting out from a small frame. He took the other's words as disgust, covering his mouth to stifle a sharp breath drawn as tears ran down his cheeks once more. "I understand that! Don't you think I...i mean, you're the father of it, of course you have the right to know! I was planning on telling you but when you brought up this trip you wanted to go on, it /hurt/, it hurts knowing I'm just holding you back! Of course I made plans for delivering the baby; I have no idea how to do it - /do you/?", he asked indignantly, standing quickly. "I assumed you'd leave me because you're /not mine/. Arthur, you took me in your bed without even having been married - without a relationship, for that matter. What impression is that supposed to leave me with? Did you think about what I'd wanted? Did it dawn on you that i lost my virginity to a man who'd never even told me he loved me before we had sex?", he was full of bitterness now, fueled by Arthur's own turmoil. He wiped his eyes furiously before shaking his head, waddling slightly towards the door, suddenly feeling stuffy and needing fresh air. The odd flutter in his womb had returned, his rising heart rate upsetting the baby that rested within.
"But i proposed this trip because I wanted to head there with you! i thought it would be an exciting journey, only because i wanted to be there WITH you...." Arthur's voice trailed off. It pained Arthur to hear the accusation from James, and he felt like he was now blamed for all that was wrong when James had been the one withholding everything form him. "That's not the point, you've made plans for the birth AND beyond... you had thought ...."

Arthur was ready for some more argument, but now that he had seen the tears falling down James' now pale face, he had softened his stance a little.

"I had wanted to say that, but you've pushed me away..." Arthur sighed. "you've been pretending nothing had happened ever since that night. I had wanted to hold you so much, i had wanted to be with you... hell, I had had my crazy moment of wanting to propose to you, but if you were flinching with me touching you, I do not think a declaration of love would be welcomed." He chuckled dryly. "I was afarid if i did that, I would have scared you away and I had no chance of ever trackign you down....i would rather we stay as friends than push too far and risk losing you forever..." Arthur's emotions was also riding high. He forced his tears back in. Seeing James getting up, he,too, shoot up to his feet, catching James just before he could leave the room.

"JAmes... don't go." he whispered, holding his wrist, he joined him at the door and rested his hand on his swell. "I... I had never felt as strongly for someone. I had wanted to spend my life with you, on sea or on land. It didn't matter whether or not we are travelling to somewhere exciting... all that matter was you. Do you share this feeling? that no matter how beautiful and attractive the outside world was... all i wanted to do was to explore it with you." he whispered, confessing. "and now we havet his..." he caressed James' bump and his eyes widened at the imperceptable movement from within. "Is that ... movement?" he asked breathlesssly. The baby was responding well to this foreign touch, getting excited and squirming.
He blinked up at Arthur when he was stopped, unable to meet the other's gaze. He took a deep breath to try and calm himself, nodding slowly. "Of course I do... I've told you before, Arthur. My whole life I've never really known where my true home was; land or sea. But, I understand now. Home for me is wherever you are.", he sniffled, giving in at last. He glanced down when Arthur's hand gently rubbed over his belly, the faintest smile gracing his lips. " just started moving a couple of weeks ago.", he sighed.

"The baby's healthy.", he assured. "It's been rather active lately.", he confided, trailing off a moment. He grabbed Arthur's hand and guided it to his lower belly, pressing his palm gently against the curve, where the movement was most evident. He laughed softly at the way it seemed to pick up when Arthur touched him, as if the baby knew it was his or her father.

Calming down, James glanced back up at Arthur, expression softer. "I'm sorry.", he apologized at last. "I'm sorry for doubting you. I'm sorry for pushing you away...for keeping this all so secretive. I'm sorry.", he murmured.
That simple declaration by James was enough to chase away any looming annoyance Arhtur had - to hear the love of his life echoing his thoughts, knowing his feelings were answered., tha was enough to make him feel confident enough in this to persist.

"James... " whatever soft words of love he wanted to say was cut off by the small movement he could feel now, beocming more obvious now that James had moved his hand to where it was strongest. "james!" he exclaimed. "Can you feel that? our baby...." he said in a foolish grin. "our baby...." he sighed shaking his head. "what am I talking about.. you are feeling this way clearer than me, I'm sure." he smiled. "And... I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have lashed out like this.... i should be more understanding. You've bore this burden for so long, alone. I'll be here with you from now on. and James." he said, lifting him up bridal style, carrying him out of the cabin and enjoy the breeze that they both loved so much. He sat down on the makeshift armchair they built through boxes, holding James on his lap, he smiled. "I'm going to say this for the first o fmany times to follow, right here."

"I love you."
The Selkie nearly wanted to sob hearing Arthur's words; he felt like finally, a suffocating weight was taken off his chest, he finally felt truly happy, truly /safe/. Hugging Arthur's neck loosely, he smiled up at him with nothing but adoration in his brown gaze, finally hearing the words he'd just wanted to hear from the start. "That's all I want. Arthur, I don't /care/ where we are...I don't care how hard this might be, I just need you here beside me and i know it'll be fine. I've been foolish enough to be terrified that you might not want to be, but there's no doubt anymore. I trust you, wholly and completely.", he confessed.

"And, I love you too. I have for a while now.", he replied softly without hesitation, leaning in to kiss his mate with all the adoration, the absolute love he felt.

From that day on, things had gone over much more smoothly. Now, rather than getting frustrated and angry, James leaned into Arthur's support whenever anything happened. The back pains, cravings, emotions were so much easier too, now that he didn't have to pretend like nothing was wrong anymore. He was no longer ashamed of his belly, which grew every week, straining further against his clothes until he eventually had to buy new ones to accommodate the change. At only the six month mark, he already looked full term, though he had no idea why he had gotten so big so fast. It was a question that could likely be answered by the matriarch, who he would soon need to see for a check-up, and finalizations on a plan for the birth. For now, though, he was simply enjoying his time with his mate. He was lying on his back in bed, admiring his belly's large curve absentmindedly, Arthur lying next to him with one hand resting on the bump. He loved it whenever Arthur touched him, he loved when he would lay and rub his growing tummy, which caused the baby that rested inside to almost always move and squirm within the increasingly small confines of his womb. There wasn't much space left to grow, even now at only six months; James already felt too full and heavy, something he'd become accustomed to by now.

He sighed happily and reached down to lift the hem of his shirt, exposing his belly, his bellybutton which had already been pushed out. He guided Arthur's hand over it then, resting it on the side of his aching belly, where the baby could clearly be felt moving, kicking harshly every so often and making James grunt softly in discomfort. "She never settles down when you touch me...I'm convinced she knows you're her father.", he chuckled, having begun referring to the baby as a 'she', convinced it would be a girl. He gave a quiet 'oh' at a particularly harsh movement, holding his belly as he struggled to sit up, huffing. "Can you hand me the oil?", he gestured to the coconut oil he'd been using on his belly to help with the stretch marks, figuring it might calm the baby down a bit to apply some now.
That look of happiness shining on his lover's face said it all: perhaps it ahd always been Arthur who was too cowardy to admit it. Now that he was seeing what a profound effect he had just by speaking his heart, he regretted almost for not confessing earlier to James, leading to the many months of uncertainty and sadness on both parties.

"My love... yes, we will be fine. We will be fine no matter what's ahead of us." he smiled clasping James' hand in front of his bump, indulging in the love his mate shared with him.

James' growht had been astonishing. As if the parents' reconciliation had an effect on even the growht of the baby, he felt like James had ballooned up. Every week there was noteable growth, and by the end of that week the pants would get even tighter, until finally they had to buy new ones. Arthur had developed this attachmen to James' belly, soon enough his hands were glued to James' middle, even more so than the pregnant man himself. they were at 6 months only and James already had difficulty handling daily activities, thus most of the time he was spent on bed.

They would have to come up with a way of introducing Arthur, a human, into the group and entering the village, for Arthur insisted he HAD to know. Whatever process they had to go through to welcome their child, Arthur had to know. They were working on that and if allowed, Arthur would want to be there - in a more secluded place - to go through the birth with James alone. He wanted to be there for James when he was at his most vulnerable and perhaps also, the strongest.

James' belly was so full, his skin was stretched taut and thin. Veins could be seen through his fair skin and even his freckles were stretched. "Baby boy's just happy to meet papa...." he smiled. for some reason he figured it would be a boy, and that was an ongoing joke between them - he would refer to the baby as a boy, while James the opposite. Well, even if he was wrong this time - he was sure theere would be other chances. James was thriving and glowing during this pregnancy, he could easily imagine him getting pregnant again.

"ah, this time you have to let me do it." Arthur smirked. There was hardly anything that could rival putting oil on your lover's growing pregnant belly, and Arthur always took pleasure in doing this for his selkie. With the oil in hand, Arthur sat down against the headboard and pulled James over to rest him on his chest. Reclined but supported, James would not feel the weight of the baby as much but his entire belly was exposed. "My love..." Arhtur whispered as he rubbed the coconut oil on his hands, warmed them up rubbing his palms quickly together, then went on to cup James' tight tummy, rubbing the oil in through gentle circles. 
James relaxed immediately, resting against Arthur's chest in mild relief, shutting his eyes blissfully while he gingerly massaged over his belly, which looked larger when glistening with the oil. "Hm?", he hummed languidly, shifting a bit to get more comfortable. However, since he struggled a bit to maneuver, he probably ended up rocking between Arthur's legs a little more than intended. He couldn't help but notice moments later his mate's slightly heavier breaths, the stirring within his trousers. Face flushing, James turned as best he could, glancing down at the other's pants.

"Oh...", he trailed off, eyes on the hardening length pushed against his trousers. He felt a twinge of guilt, before those damned innocent brown eyes glanced back up to Arthur. "You've been so wonderful to me during this pregnancy...let me do something nice for you.", he offered, shifting to sit at the edge of the bed, hand placed on his back as he heaved himself to his feet. He took Arthur's hand to help lower himself to his knees on the floor, keeping his mate sitting on the edge of the bed. Situating himself between his lover's legs, he unbuttoned his trousers before leaning in to kiss his erection through the cloth, peppering it in soft kisses and strokes from his lips and fingers. Once he felt a stir of interest, he pulled his pants off, followed quickly by his boxers. Never before had he done anything like this, but it couldn't be hard, right? He wrapped his hand around the length and gave a gentle squeeze upwards, leaning in to kiss the head of Arthur's cock, lips parting as he began to suck only on the tip, focusing his tongue in the bottom of the crown. He was a tad sloppy and inexperienced, but he was eager, using that tongue to his advantage. He gradually worked down, bobbing his head further and further until he was sucking off half the massive dick, hesitant to take any more. He alternated between sucking and kissing, lips stroking from base to tip when hed pill away to kiss the girth. Soon, he was getting excited too, already feeling slick lubricating his entrance in eager anticipation. He whimpered softly around Arthur's cock and reached down to stroke himself, palm massaging at his own dick, which was frustrating with his pants still on. He bucked his hips into his own hand, which was a bit harder to do now with a heavily pregnant belly in the way.
It was apparent the heavy middle was hindering the agility of James. Arthur had found this clumsy James also adorable - not to mention he had developed quite an obsession with hsi bump. Therefore, when the selkie started squirming on him, he couldn't help with the natrual response his body was giving. He gasped silently and attempted to will his erection away, yet the effort was futile and judigng by the sudden tesnsing up of James, he knew his lover had felt it as well.

"J-james...." Arthur groaned loud when James attmpeted to turn. his sitff back no longer allowed that range of motion so James ended up grinding some more into his wakening length. "I'm.... I'm sorry...." he looked sheepishly down. Though ti was not helping at all for now he had a full view of James' perfect bump. "y-you don't have to! I mean..." he stuttered and squeezed his eyes shut. James just never knew his effect on him - simply by looking at him heaving himself up was a very seductive gesture even though he knew James did not mean that... and ...

Well, it was a pleasnat shock to see James giving him. His inexperience that was evident made this all the more appealing. "James.. you don't have to... hmmmmmmng...." soon enough Arthur didn't have enough mind left to stop James. This was so thrilling, especailly when James was kissing his head as if it was a candy to be devoured. The obvious intent to please was touching, Arthur was warmed up on the inside by how hard James was trying. He stroked his face and smiled seeing how his member had stuffed his mouth, stretching his lips all over. "Babe...thank you. You're so lovely." he said and leaned back, letting himself loose enjoying this service by the lovely selkie.

"Hmmm... babe, so good. You are so talented.... " Arthur slurred, floating on that pleasure, he tired hard to keep his eyes open, not wanting to miss any moment seeing his lover licking on his shaft. James' dilemma was soon obvious and his whimpers alerted Arhtur tothe difficulty James was facing.

"Babe... come up here, you've done a great job. Now it's time for me to reciprocate." WIth his bump so heavy and low, James also had difficulty clutching his own member properly... Arthur patted James' shoulder, watched him reluctantly released his cock, and went on to lift him up and place him on his lap. He smiled and peeled away his pants. "Can I?" he looked up, the ask clear in his eyes as he asked for his permission to claim him again.

(Hey sorry have been crazy busy at work today.... but still wanna squeeze one in before I head to bed!!)
Arthur's hesitation made James so much more eager to please him; this wasn't just lust, this was genuine adoration and love turned to passion. The praise encouraged him to try and take the whole cock, though he was stopped soon enough after Arthur noticed his whimpering. Slowly pulling off, he suckled on the head briefly before straightening himself again, breaths a bit heavy. "Are you sure?-", he asked, though wasn't given much choice as Arthur helped him up, and onto his lap. He felt excitement course through his body, his lover's erection pressed against his too-full belly. Already his entrance was practically dripping, his body so ready to be taken and claimed by his mate and the father of his baby. He gave a testing buck of his hips, trying to angle upwards slightly so that his stiff sex rubbed against Arthur's. He began to grind as best as he could, the older male's cock rubbing against his belly, still slick with oil. Soon enough James was panting and huffing, too excited to contain. "Please..", he whimpered desperately, pressing a loving kiss to Arthur's neck, trailing up to the stubble at his jaw. "Please, I need it so bad. I want to feel so full with your cock and your cum, I want you to take me..', he begged, lifting himself as best as he could, his huge tummy pressing right against Arthur's toned body as he lowered himself slowly onto his lover's cock, feeling the familiar pain of being penetrated. But he knew just how good it would feel once he went deeper, the Selkie lowering until his mate's hardened cock was filling him up, pushing right up against his sweet spot immediately. James let out a sobbing sound, the pleasure too good to be true. He was so sensitive, especially now that he was pregnant, and simply being filled by Arthur's massive dick was enough to nearly make him cum.

"So good... You're so good, I love feeling so full of your cock...mmh, I love how full and heavy you've made me with our baby..", he trembled, his movements slow and exaggerated as he tried his best to ride his lover's thick sex, clinging desperately to Arthur's shoulders, gasping and giving quiet cries at the pleasure. He held his belly as he rode his mate, the oiled globe rubbing and gently pushed against Arthur's own stomach with each movement. Occasionally there'd be a harsh kick or a sudden flutter, which made James's slick entrance clench on his lover's dick, the pregnant male soon moaning and crying out with the combination of pleasure and discomfort.
It was when Arthur went on to peel away James' pants that he noticed the large wet spot already formed at the backside of it. He smirked at the realisation and found the selkie more than eager. He groaned loud as they grinded into each other, thanks to James' big bump, there was much more friction that causes shivers of pleasure down their spines. "James..... how can I not be sure." he smiled holding James' fleshy bottom, kneaded him as the pregnant man thrusted, moving his heavy and stiff hips forward and backward. Arhtur loved the way his lover grinded, the clumsy way he moved himself ... and to watch him struggled to lift himself up and lower onto his staff, that was ecstasy to the eye.

"James.... James!" he groaned at the increidble tightness surrounding him. he could barely keep his eyes open now,t he pleasure rippling through his body from where they were connected, the union of true love and affection. He held James' waist and could feel his trembling thighs struggling to move. He loved how hard James was trying, every bit of effort was greatly appreciated and thoroughly enjoyed. AT this moment, Arhtur could really feel the glow of James in this pregnancy.

"james... my love hmmmnngg...." he hummed feeling another clench following their baby's harsh kick. The moans of James was luring him deeper into this sea of pleasure, drowning willingly in it. matching James' pace, Arthur sometimes added his own thrust into the selkie, slamming hard into his sweet spot enough that he squealed - like a seal. He smirked and buried himself on James' chest, nibling along his sternum and up to his collarbone. He fondled with his nipples that had grown in sensitive. It was curious that they did not really grow in size, but became subtly softer and apparently - ultrasensitive for James was pushed over the edge right away...

"hmm... James." Arthur smirked feeling the splash of warmth between them when James cummed. He kissed James on his soft lips while the selkie was still out of it, and started slamming right back onto his sweet spot pulling a whiny moan from him, essentially prolonging his orgasm bringing him beyond his limits.
James felt far too sensitive all over, every inch of his body electrified with pleasure. His nipples had grown incredibly sensitive, in particular, and for Arthur to squeeze and rub the pert buds quickly overwhelmed James. He could scarcely keep himself up as he came quite suddenly, feeling his fluids dripping between his legs. He squeezed his eyes shut, burying his face in Arthur's shoulder as he keened and called out, holding onto him as if he were drowning. He was interrupted by a sudden kiss, tender and sweet, which he eagerly returned. Though, he shuddered as his lover began slamming right back into him, the poor Selkie feeling tears in his eyes at the overwhelming pleasure. He was caught in bliss, but he was far too tired to keep himself up, the Selkie's breaths coming heavy as he fell against Arthur with a gentle whine, thighs aching from the exertion. "C-Can we change positions?-", he asked timidly, clearly not wanting this to end yet, though it was too much of a struggle for him like this with his heavy belly.
Arthur chuckled at the helpless plea from his love. "sorry for not being thoughtful enough... but do forgive me, you're too distracting that I can't wait to continue..." he smiled stroking James' face, kissing away the tears that had trickled down his cheeks. "My love... my most precious." he murmured,, loving every bit of James, even more so now that they were connected in the most intimate way possible. James' inside was a puddle of hot spring, smooth and lucrative, warm and captivating...

With him still buried deep in him, he clutched the sdie of James' waist and moved him slowly towards the bed, resting him down on his back, he stuffed more cushions behind his back before the baby could crash and cut off James' airway, a much too frequent occruence during James' sleep when he mindlessly moved around. "Is that alright...?" he asked, pressing a kiss on James' forehead, lifting himself up so he could see clearly how James was looking while he experimentally thrust again, grinding deep into James' sweetspot.
The Selkie relaxed immensely once he was laid back, the cushions supporting his aching spine. "It's perfect.", he hummed, hugging Arthur's neck loosely. He pulled him down for a tender kiss, moving away from his lips eventually to kiss at his jaw, then his neck, nibbling at the skin there. "You're so beautiful, darling..", he murmured, absolutely captivated by his mate. He sighed as Arthur pulled away to gaze down at him, his breath hitching when he pushed right up against his prostate. Nothing could compare to the feeling, the sudden pleasure that made his thighs quiver, toes curling as his sensitive hole was abused by his mate's cock.

"Arthur!", he moaned languidly, head swimming with the dizzying sensation. His fingers curled tightly around the sheets beneath them, the pregnant male clawing slightly at the bed as Arthur began to thrust fully. He was soon panting hard, sweat glistening over his body, especially on his perfect, round belly. He tossed his head back as the older male slammed into his prostate repeatedly, the Selkie whimpering and begging repetitively.
"Are you begging for more of me or for me to be gentler…" Arthur smirked but knew there was little chance for James to be able to reply coherently. The selkie was so lost in pleasure, his pupils dilated and his looks spoke of lost in pleasure. He smiled and slammed harder into James, holding his bump steady, he thrust forward and smirked feeling the heel of James' feet digging into his back. "Shhh James, I am here. i am your anchor, your mate.... my love." He hunched forward, it was quite awkward with the big bump between them, but somehow he managed to kiss him, nibbling on his lips and sighed. "My greatest love.... so beautiful." Arthur was overwhelmed with this intimate session. They were face to face and everything was clearly played out in front of him. The little whimpers, the clawed bedsheets, that mix of pain and pleasure on James' lovely scrunched up face.

"James………" he echoed teh calling of his name, his hand swimming along his bump feelingbthr sweat mixing in with the coconut oil he had just applied. There was so much emotions between them, that intimacy transcending to the union of their souls.

"Love, I am.... I am...." he stuttered, not sure if James could understand his intent...he was near, nearing the edge, the limit, the... whatever it is. His thrusts become more erratic and...

The yell filled the room, the release of the most primal desire, the union at the ultimate level.
Even if James heard Arthur, he wouldn't have cared much. He was too far gone, lost to his mate, drowning in a sea of pleasure and finding refuge only in his love. He felt closer to Arthur than ever before; not only in their bodies, but on a much more personal level too. Once the older male called out, James knew their coupling would soon draw to an end. He didn't want it to end, he didn't want it ever to stop. But he decided that it was worth it once Arthur released deep inside of him, his already full belly seeming to expand just a little more as he was stuffed with his lover's seed, claimed and filled with cum, his entrance clenching down as he came soon after, milking every drop from his mate's sex.

He couldn't even cry out anymore, his spine arching, nails digging into the sheets as climax overtook his body.

Once it was over, James was left panting, his spent body languid against the pillows, his form in absolute reprise against the bed as he struggled to gain his bearings once more, feeling very much on the verge of passing out exhaustedly. He groaned as Arthur slowly pulled out, turning to face him as he lay beside him, curling up next to him as best he could. He reached down to lazily rub his taut belly, feeling too heavy and gravid. He felt a sharp jolt of pain in his spine, however, making him flinch a bit. Perhaps it hadn't been the best idea to exert himself so much; already his body was aching and his back especially was in a bit of pain. He didn't mind it, though; it was all worth it to experience such an intimate bond with his love. He decided to get up despite the aches and pains, feeling far too sticky for his liking. He eventually got to his feet after a small struggle, his hips sore not only from the sex, but from carrying the extra weight as well. Hand placed to his back, he waddled toward the bathroom on unsteady legs, though he paused halfway to lean against the wall with a sharp huff, the pain returning to his spine. He brushed it off as the normal aching at first, but this time it felt different, the sensation spreading to his belly as well. It was only the beginning of a few braxton hicks, and although completely harmless it was still going to be quite uncomfortable. No doubt they were triggered by the sudden exertion.
The spasming essentially prolonged Arthur's orgasm and the man was so lost in this, he had never felt as satisfied nor overwhelmed in his life. the line between reality and surreality was blurred, he no longer could tell where he was, what it was that he was undergoing... this was ecstasy at a new level, and Arthur.. well, Arthur didn't know at all when he had slipped out of James. when he could finally crack open his eyes, he was panting like a dog and crashed beside James, watching his pregnant lover with a dreamy look.

James was clearly even more spent than he was. Arthur reached out to help James curl towards him, on his side, and rubbed the sensitive underbelly lovingly. "Hmm...." he hummed, even he was feeling like it had gone a bit tighter after his massive load. he kissed James' soft face, ready to melt to sleep with James on the bed, utterly satisfied. the flinch didn't go unnoticed, but Arthur was a little out of it to react on that. He stroked along James' clammy back, having pulled him close enough he was resting on his shoulder. he was on the verge of falling asleep when James squirmed out of his reach to head for the bathroom.

He furrowed his brows,his brain still wanton, unable to process what was going on entirely. however, the huff from James certainly made him a lot more alert, and he snapped out of that dreamy state to sit up as well.

"James...?" he asked, still slurred, but his eyes were much clearer now. he was a little shakey as well, but quickly regained his balance as he came after James. "you alright?" he asked holding his back, kneading slightly moving him from leaning against the wall to against himself. "take it easy...." he whispered and helped James towards teh toilet, realising his intention, and scooped under his big bump to share the weight.

Seeing James was still shakey on his feet, Arthur slowly stripped James of whatever clothing he had,. he heat up the water for a nice quick shower, gently supporting James the entire way, picking up on the sporadic pain he was feeling, especially on his back. Arthur knitted his brows tight. "is it too much just now...?" the worry was building up....
"I'm fine.", James assured quietly as Arthur joined him, relieved to have him as support instead. He didn't say much else, though the infrequent pains continued, making James worry as well. He climbed into the bathtub with the help of his mate, reluctant to let go of him. Truthfully, he just wanted to hurry up and get clean so he could get back to bed and fall asleep. Even with Arthur there, however, he was starting to feel a bit of concern, a sort of cramping feeling spreading from his spine around to the sides of his belly. He'd never felt anything like it before, and while it wasn't excruciating, it was still horribly uncomfortable.

"I don't think so, I just...", he paused to release a hitched sigh with the next pain, wilting against Arthur, seeking his comfort. "Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm just exhausted, all I need is some sleep.", he assured, reaching for his lover's hand, lacing their fingers together. His reassurance didn't do much for himself though; he could feel the restless, harsh movement within his womb, making it all the more difficult to relax.
Arthur nodded and forced himself not to worry. he hugged James with his strong sailor's arm and spread his fingers to clasp the bump on the side, only to knit his brows tighter together feeling another wave of tension. This could very well be triggered by their passion just now... but truth be told, arthur was not regretting any single bit. he loved James... and it was pure ecstasy just now, for him and also for james. He kissed the selkie on his forehead and stroked the bump gently, running through the shower as quickly as he could.

"You're fine... i'm here. You'll be very fine..." he muttered. With James struggling to relax, Arthur swept him off his feet and carried him all the way back to the room. The bedsheets were soiled, so Arthur changed them before putting James on it.

The kicks could be seen through the thinly stretched bump of James', and it fact Arthur was more comfortable with these kicks than the contractions since the sailor already had ample experience in dealing with their restless baby. Stroking softly in gentle circles, Arthur had located the backside of the baby and focused his rubs on that area, as if he was stroking the baby's back through James' bump, knowing it was the most effective way of luring the baby to sleep.

"Shh... take a deep breath in..." Arthur instructed James simultaneously.

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