Growing Pains (closed with TigerWolf)

(No, considering that they've become parents with shared kids.)

While life with children was a blur, Sam couldn't be happier, even though he didn't exactly know why it made him so happy. The fact that he was actually pregnant wasn't really in his mind, aside from some spells of tiredness and vomiting. Nevertheless, he remained optimistic as they waited for the professor to enter. Janel certainly seemed to have some questions to ask.


(Just checking:))

Janel was still fitting a blush when her jean pocket started to vibrate like crazy. She glanced at the clock, checking the time left before their professor would arrive and found that she had at least a minute to spare. It wasn't much but it would have o do. She placed a hand over Samuel's to grab his attention.

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

Sam felt Janel's hand come over his own. "Yes?" he asked in a hushed tone, expected their professor to enter at any moment.

Janel felt terrible for doing this but it had to be done. "I have to make a quick phone call. I promise it won't take long and I'll be back before the meeting ends." She tried to explain so her partner wouldn't worry.

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

"Okay, but hurry back, we still get graded on this," he whispered as she got up and left. A few moments after she slipped out the door, the professor entered and several students began asking questions immediately.

"Quiet! One at a time!" he began, though Sam was more focused on what Janel was up to.

It took almost six minutes but Janel returned as promised and reclaimed her spot beside Sam. Her pink scarf was crooked and looked tight about he throat but she was still smiling and seemed calm as she took her seat and later raised her hand to discuss mixed doctor's appointments for children and father.

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

"Yes, Janel?" the professor called, giving the shy young woman a chance to speak.

"When we agreed to have additional children, I thought we would receive a medical history for each child detailing allergies, recent vaccinations, blood work, and previous illnesses, injuries, or exams. Am I to believe that my son and daughter do not have such records?" Janel was back in element, well sort of.

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

The professor raised an eyebrow. "Well, I must say that you think about this a lot more than most students, young lady. See me after we're done discussing for the day and I will put in an application to receive a report," he said.

"Any other questions?"

Janel gave sharp nod of the head. "Yes. Do we have to stay with our partners everyday or is it possible to have an, agreed upon, free 24 hours from each other and our children? And if necessary, are we allowed to hire a sitter for the children?"

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

"You are a family. Do what you must to function. If you need a day apart from everyone else, find a way to make it happen. We are not in charge of what you do with your family," he responded.

"However, we are in charge and have to take of your pregnancies. Starting next week, all male partners will have an examination after each class discussion. These are mandatory and for your health as well as the child's. Any questions?" the professor finished.

(I just realized I have no idea where the kids are right now o.o )

Janel bit her lip before shaking her head no. She did have 2 more questions but she would save them for after the meeting. She was also a little nervous to speak again and give Sam the wrong impression. She really didn't want a break from her partner, especially not for 24 hours, but life was an unpredictable game and she wanted to see all her bases first.

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

(School, all meetings are during the morning.)

Sam was a bit hurt at what she asked, but they were only living together for a week. Besides, he would probably want a break from her too at some point. No matter.

"I'll be back, Janel, they don't let partners come into appointments until the second month," he said as he walked away with some nurses.

"Wait a minute Sam!" Janel ran after him and gave her partner a quick hug. "Don't go home without me ok."

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

Sam hugged her back before heading into the exam room.

Half an hour later, he returned, walking over to Janel where she was seated. "We're good. Baby's not really developed, but it's healthy and I'm healthy. I just need to follow the pregnancy diet and vitamins they gave me," he said, shaking the bag for emphasis, "and we should be fine."

"That's great" It was the best news Janel had received all day. "Did they give you anything for your nausea?" She inquired as she stood up to walk to her meeting with the professor. Now that Sam was gone they may still be able to catch their class leader.

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

"Some pills, but they said the effectiveness varies from man to man," he said. The professor noticed them and turned around.

"May I help you?"

Janel nodded but made no motion to remove herself from Sam's side. "Yes, I asked you about medical records for our children and you told me to see you after class."

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

"Ah, yes, I am on my way to apply for them now. They should be ready for pickup tomorrow in my office. Anything else?" he said, leaning against the doorway.

"Uh. Well. Yes there is" Janel ran a nervous hand through her shoulder length hair. "When we arrived home, there were only three bedrooms and two of them were for the kids. Now I know we are supposed to live like an actual family, but did you do that on purpose or was it a mistake?" It wasn't that she minded sleeping beside Sam she just wanted to know what game this teacher was playing.

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

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