C A Brave Butler (w/Bhdire8)

"Thank you."he said simply at what he told him after complaining about being sat down, tilting his head back as he shifted his hips forward. One of the nurses came and lifted his feet up into the holders, he looked down at her and glanced at Augustus slightly when he spoke. His anger was justified, despite the apologies he had been given, though it was exhausting being so angry all the time.
The first male midwife came inside the room quickly after a few more minutes, this one looking a bit more seasoned as he looked over the state of the room. The nurses going to him to speak, while Orvin was still struggling with his labor in the seat he was placed in.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The lord shifted and hid his uneasiness seeing his butler so exposed. It wasnt like he enjoyed male in the first place, but he wasnt going to shy away. He told himswlf there was nothing wrong with this. It was just his outdated "aristocrate" upbringing kept getting into his way of thinking. No gentlemen should witness a birth, be that his lady or his mistress, and in this case, his butler, but Augustus was determined not to blindly follow those meaningless traditions.

He looked at the male nurse and nervously saw him cleaning his hands in alcohol and water, then bent forward in front of Orvin's legs, ready to do his job. He nodded slightly when the midhusband glanced at him, telling him not to mind him.

The hands beneath him caught him by surprise, he was barely paying attention to anything important that was happening around him. At the moment he only wanted this child out of him and focussed entirely on doing so, until he realized he had to listen to someone other than himself. The sight of another male finally relaxed him more so and he looked to the Lord of the house, glancing into his eyes slightly then back down at the midhusband,"I-I don't think my water has broken yet."he told him, one of his hands going to his stomach,"Is that...bad?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The lord wasnt reading Orvin too well. That look could mean he wanted him to leave, or simply to look for his reaction on this. Either way, Augutus was determined to stay here till the very end of it.

He midhusband frowned hearing what the butler said. "You are in quite active labor now. Water should break any minute. Are you feeling pressure?" Under Orvin's belly and shirt that barely covered his private parts, the male nurse had breached into Orvin's birth canal to check his condition.

It was a good look at least, he didn't speak to him at most as he kept the grip on his hand, taking in a deep breath and grimacing lightly. He felt the fingers inside of him and pressed his lips together with a small nod,"Just a little."he said,"It's easing up with... Uh...with your fingers."he didn't look at the other man, looking up at the ceiling for a moment, then groaning again at another pain. Attempting to shift away from the strangers fingers and groaning at the feeling as finally it came. A flood of liquid out of him and over the other man's hand then to the floor beneath him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The annoyed look and how the male nurse quickly withdrew his hand from Orvin surprised Augustus. He looked at the midhusband who quickly wiped his hand on a towel provided by the nurse, and even used it to wipe his stained pants. He frowned at tbe attitude shown by him. It was true midhusbands were expensive and difficult to comr by, but it was still not manner he would expect from such a "professional". At this time, he still wasnt aware thsi midhusband had been communicating with his lady with their hidden purpose.

Orvin was in the midst of a deep contraction though he was chuckling as well, holding his stomach and groaning briefly between short breaths of air,"S-Sorry."he was red in the face from embarrassment as he avoided eye contact with any one but the floor,"Can I get up from this thing?"he asked, not exactly enjoying the feeling of his ass being out there in the open and prodded by the man, though he hadn't seen the look of disgust he made while wiping himself down. Only laughing at how embarrassing it was, as he tilted his head back and moaned softly when he felt the shift now. His labor was going fast, he supposed that was a good thing, but was also nervous as he felt the child drifting downward.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Yes certainly, sir. You should be moved to the bed now." The midhusband said, not.even giving Orvin a proper glance. He signalled the other nurses to dress him up in a full body apron. It would be beneficial for Orvin to stay upright longer to promote the baby descending, and laying onto the bed too early would make the birth more difficult. It wouldnt matter though, the midhusband thought to himself as he composed his plan according to orders from the lady.

With the help of 2 nurses, Orvin was lifted up from the seat and almost half dragged to the bed. The lord followed, pulling himself a chair to sit next to Orvin who settled with great difficulty onto the bed, pulling himself up.

"Bed?"he exhaled, really just wanting to stand up, waddle around and maybe get some air, he was getting itchy for some more movement. Though he trusted the midhusband and his decision as he nodded simply, reaching out to be helped up and crying out when he was dragged upwards. Leaning against the nurses and sinking down onto the bed slowly, taking his arms from them and supporting his low stomach as he got onto his knees. He sat there for a moment then moved further to hold onto the headboard for a moment, then looked to Augustus,"Why don't you ask to be the one to catch?"he asked him, exhaling and sinking down onto his knees, rubbing his stomach beneath the apron that was put on him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

(Oh sorry I meant th3 apron would be on the male nurse, didnt realise how ambiguous i made it)

"…is that a trick question? Though, yea, I thought that would be a good idea... that is, if you dont it. Too much." He said as the Lord wanted to show his butler some well-deserved respect for carrying the child bravely. "Could that be done?" He turned to ask the male nurse, who frowned looking like he was caught off guard. The lady didnt give him any instruction on this particular request, Adelaine didnt predict her husband could have offered to do such a "dirty" work. Under the intent gaze of the Lord, the midhusband was finding himself unable to say no, and thereofre nodded and got back to work. "Sir, I would need you to LAY DOWN."

The tone of thr male nurse once again sounded unnatural. He was speaking to Orvin like he was unable to comprehend words.

((Oh. Okay, just ignore that part then.))

"No it's not."he shook his head and leaned forward more as he sat there for a moment, then added,"I don't mind, really."he replied,"Even if I can't relate to a rapist nobel, I can relate to a father who wants to hold their child when they come into the world for the first time."he exhaled, stroking his stomach slowly and looking down as he did so then up at the doctor who avoided his eyes and looked at the Lord of the house. Rocking slowly in his place on the bed, leaning to hold the headboard and moan softly as he ran his hand down the tightening stomach that stuck from him. "I don't think I can..."he shook his head at the order, moving to spread his legs and try to sink down on the mattress with a soft grunt, shaking his head furiously. "No. I can't."he repeated, his ass was aflame and he felt what was coming as it descended slowly with the pains, his face reddening.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

(Yaya sure sorry for misleading you…too abosrbed in my imagined scene lol)

"Thank you...." the lord muttered, then added. "Did you also hold your girls when they were born?" He asked, curious. He had to admit he was a little nervous, being so close to holding his first, and probably only.child.

Augutus wasnt quite comfortablr seeing Orvin struggling on his own and attempted to help. He held his arm and turned to the male nurse. "Couldnt he stay like this? Ia sure briths neednt all be done on bed." He barked out words, though the midhusband kept his stance this time. The lady had asked him to.prrpare for this question. "No, sir, I am afraid he need to keep on the bed. It would be easier for the nurses to handle him when he lays flat." He said responding to yhr lord while signalling the other nurses to come up and force Orvin down despite his discomfort.

"I did... Both of them, I've seen them when their slimy chests took their first breath."he smiled softly at the memory,brows pinched together for a moment as he struggled with remaining calm. He hadn't given birth before,not even to his own children, and here he was heavily pregnant and struggling to understand what his own body wanted. What the child needed to come out of him, he exhaled.

Orvin looked to Augustus when he held his arm and grasped his wrist with his other hand, squeezing for some support and swallowing. The man shook his head,"It's fine. He knows what he's doing."he trusted the midhusband, even though he didn't have his best intentions at heart. Though the man was naive and still trusted without thought, even after what happened with the master, he trusted him enough to let him catch his child, he wasn't a spiteful man. The man let them lay him down and groaned softly as he was taken down, spreading his legs at the shift of pressure, his belly squirming almost.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Slimy chest?" Augustus actually smiled. "That is a peculiar use of word... though i guess very true." He smiled. He prepared for this moment so he wouldnt went cold feet on the site. He had prepared mentally for all blood and mess he would be facing. Nothing would be worst than the battlefield he had witnessed in his youth.

The lord looked at the midhusband with skepticism but didnt argue. He let go of the labpring man for the nurses to do their jobs. With his belly mountaining above him, it looked very uncomfortable for Orvin to be in the position he was now. When the nurses went away to fuss about their never ending stuff, Augustus sat back down beside the bed and gazed at the belly. "Can you breath?" He asked with a little worey, looking at Orvin. His hand was in midair, but he hadnt made his mind on rouching him yet. The midhusband was muttering quick orders to the nurses and didnt really pay attention to them.

"Sorry I didn't bring a thesaurus up when I was in the midst of a contraction."he rolled his eyes at what he said about his use of words for the situation, laying back with a measly pillow holding up his head. It was more than a bit hard for him to collect a breath or two as he laid there with the weight of a full term baby inside of him against his organs. He didn't even sleep this way, he shook his head some as he was turning red,"Not really."he wheezed in reply,"But I'm okay, this must help."he said and reached for his hand again to grip it as his stomach visibly tightened again. A moan escaped him and he curled forward just a bit as his legs fell open.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The Lord actually smiled at how his butler retorted. Orvin's sound of breathing was so obviously labored made him.worry though, he couldnt imagine how he was supposed to push out a baby when he couldnt even have enough air. He let Orhin take his hand and wished it would.help. He sat closer to Orvin so he could support his back to raise his upper back a little higher.

The midhusband came back and shoved his finger into the man again, not even paying attention to how he was emduring a contraction. "Sir, let me in, relax your bottom." He ordered simply, spreading his legs wider apart under the help of the nurses until Orvin whined at the pain. "You should save youe breath, dont try to talk too much."

His hand wrapped around the other man's and he glanced at him with a weak, almost...almost forgiving smile for only a moment as he looked away again to his belly. It was in the way of looking the midhusband in the eye, he let out his breath when the other helped him up more,"Thank you."he said under his breath, crying out when the finger pushed inside of him.

"Careful, you-"he held his tongue in his cheek, turning his face away and swallowing the curse back,"I can't-"he could barely speak, the contraction was stronger than ever and he whimpered again, his eyes squeezed shut. Tears coming to his eyes, but tried to stop them as he sniffled and nodded, his other hand going to his stomach with a soft moan.

"Just help me get it out, please."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The lord smiled hearing the breathy thank you. He quite admired his butler, and if anything, he truly regretted causing all these mess and dragged the man into this situation. His brows knitted tight together and he once again glared at the midhusband for his brutal treatment. "Hey I expect a little more respect than that.... you are a professional, so treat your client properly." He said and stuffed a pillow behind Orvin's back, still holding his hand.

The midhusband snorted but continued probing with a little more care. He went straight into the cervix and forcefully pushed a finger through the dilating ring of muscle, using brute force to stretch him open without any sort of warning. He rolled his eyes hearing Orvin's cry of pain and rolled his eyes. "this is necessary, i am clearing the way for the baby to come."

He could breath now, Orvin grimaced as his brows knitted together and he felt the other man ease up but it wasn't even close to gentle when his finger breached his dilating hole. New tears sprung to his eyes and he didn't know the type of agony that came from the fingers pushing into his most sacred place. Biting down on his lip and sobbing softly as he tried pressing his face into the pillow,"Augustus-"he whimpered,"Get him...out of me... Please-"he didn't care any more, he'd rather do all of this alone than have such a man who seemed to hate him even if he's never met him before.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The lord hesitated. It was devastating seeing his usually tough butler reducing to a sobbing mess. Orvin might be a butler, but he had always kept his back straighr no mattee the situation. He was a brave man and he shouldnt be enduring this, but then Augustus didnt know what the man was doing inside of Orvin. He couldnt determine if the beg from the butler was just the pain talking or was the midhusband really not doing his job well.

He glanced between the midhusband, who rolled his eyes further and continued working on tbe birth canal, perhaps stretching even harder as retaliation, and the laboring man who clutched his hand tight. He eventually tried to make peace between the two. "Just, hang in there for awhile. If this doesnt work out, I would ask him to leave ok? Breath through this first.... yea, Orvin you are doing verry great."

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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