02-21-2018, 04:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-21-2018, 05:37 PM by SilentFeather.)
Aki waited until the doctor patiently but he was also restless. He stayed still, watching as doctor walked over to the sink where he thoroughly washed his hands till they were clean. He wondered what would the procedure he soon sould be going through. He stayed still as the docto's warm hands began to gently search for the baby and figure out if there were any serious kind of complications. As if by luck he discovered one if the heads in an upward fetal position. The second twin was too. It seemed if they would minick each other's movements and didn't seem to care about hurting their father.
He did not ever let go of his lover's hand, trying not to go of his hand. He sighed, soon having to open his legs as he was examined in his extremely sensitive nether region. As time passes his nervousness grew and grew in size but he tried to remain brave and scared. He was fearful of that the doctors was doing and held his breath and it came out as a shaky, unfamiliar breath from his struggling lungs. He sighed softly, trying to slow down his racing beats of his aching heart. He had hated hospitals ever since he was a small, wide eyed boy. He wanted to run from it and never looking back.
He tried not to be so nervous byr doctors were sometimes checked inside of patients. He reassured his lover that everything would be alright. He kept as grip upon Nick's hand. He smile up at Nick and only him. He was eager to leave the hospital, wanting to feel and breathe in fresh air. Hospitals were also where people have died inside of. He could nor help it. He felt as if he would to throw up but he kept his nausea from leaving his sickened body. He would have rather been at the mansion with Nick in the throes of such intense love making.
"The twins are fine." The dictor said. "Intact they are very active and healthy."
He was surprised at Nick as he saw him swatting the hand. He was curious but did not question him. He got up with help from his beloved husband. He wanted to lay down and he cuddle, his one and only lover. He sometimes dreamed of Christopher being dead but he did not indulge in such thoughts.
"I will eat healthier like I have been doing, doctor ." Aki replied to tge doctor with a gentle smile. "Thank you."
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.
A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Silent Feather