Closed Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog]
Kai stripped the bed linens off the mattress, and that's when he also spotted what Tobias was experiencing in the bathroom - though not in a large amount, a few specks where Tobias had been sleeping. He frowned, and grabbed them both some loose fitting clothes, knowing that this would likely be a bad, terrible experience at the hospital.

When Tobias called his name, he was in the bathroom quicker than Tobias could even finish his sentence "I know... I... there was some on the sheets as well." Kai bent down on one knee next to Tobias and made sure he cleaned himself completely before offering the pair of shorts for him to step into "Let's get you dressed and we'll go see what's going on..."

Kai sounded upset, hurt, and his voice was filled with such raw emotion of pain, his thoughts swirling with all sorts of negative connotations, and none of the outcomes he played out were good - something was very seriously wrong, and it had to do with their unborn child, that much was certain.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias bit his lip when Kai came into the bathroom, whimpering as the man made sure he was clean. It was pretty obvious where the blood was coming from. He pulled the shorts on and went to get a shirt. He was freaking out inside, terrified that he had caused this somehow. Even if he was afraid of becoming a parent, he didnt want this kind of outcome.

When they were ready, they headed to the car. Tobias sat nervously in the passenger seat, wincing and squirming as the cramps only got worse. That was the entire ride to the hospital...he had wedged a clean older towel in his underwear, and he just knew it would be covered in blood...
Kai was angry, mostly at himself, having similar thoughts to Tobias - thinking that he had somehow caused the cramping and bleeding that Tobias was doing - that he had done something wrong to harm their baby somehow. Kai kept a constant hand on Tobias, whether it was his hand or his thigh as he drove to the hospital.

They arrived at the hospital only twenty minutes after getting out of the wooded area, and Kai guided his mate into the hospital. He settled Tobias into a squeaky faux leather couch and went over to the receptionist desk, he had no idea how to explain what was happening "Eh hi... My boyfriend... He's bleeding in... a place he shouldn't be bleeding and we're very worried something has... happened..." Kai explained nervously to the intake nurse.

She smiled sadly and nodded, "I'll come over and speak with him, show me to him?" she asked, standing up and grabbing a clipboard for medical information.

Kai guided the nurse over to where Tobias was curled up on the couch and he sat down beside his mate, wrapping a protective arm around his shoulders, holding him close to his chest. The nurse pulled over a chair "Hey, sweetheart. Can you explain to me what's going on?" she asked quietly, her tone very sympathetic to the obvious pain this young man was in.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias squeezed Kai's hand when he held it, it when the pain got worse, he curled up and wrapped his arms around himself. He whimpered softly whenever they hit a bump, hair hanging into his face as he shrank into the car seat.

He almost didnt want to walk once they got to the hospital, but he forced himself through it. Once in the waiting room, he curled up on the small couch and tried to work through the pain.

He looked up when Kai brought the receptionist out, uncurling himself to look at her. "I....I'm pregnant....and we...h-had sex. Now it hurts, and there's blood." He muttered, embarrassed to say it out loud, but he knew it was important. "Im....I'm not an omega. I'm a delta...." he added, brows raised, hoping she knew what that meant.
"Oh." the intake nurse gasped quietly in shock - Delta's being rare and almost unheard of. "I'm so very sorry... I'll make sure that our specialist in most shifter pregnancies gets to you right away - We aren't all that busy so the wait should not be more than ten minutes." She held out the clipboard subtly "If you could just fill these questions out - I'll make sure that he is paged immediately." she quickly left, a worried expression even on her face.

Kai laid his head on top of Tobias' "Do you really think it was the sex that did it?" he asked quietly, guilt flooding both his voice and his brain -- This was his fault, his fault if they lost their child. Kai could feel tears burning the back of his eyes and he inhaled deeply "If you don't have insurance... just put mine down..." Kai thought that would be at least a bit helpful, pulling his insurance card from his wallet and setting it on the clipboard for Tobias to copy over -- He'd have to speak with his insurance company later, but he was certain that they would understand and cover all expenses.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias nodded, taking the clipboard, slowly filling out the information. He nibbled his lip as he wrote, but felt better with Kai leaning on him. "I don't know...I don't think so....but I know next to nothing about how it works." He muttered, pausing and resting a hand over that bump.

It wasn't long before a middle aged man came out to them. "Hello, Dr. Kazuma. I'm the shifter pregnancy specialist. I have an exam room ready, why don't you come back?" He said, a warm smile on his face. He knew how difficult things like this could be...and he knew how common complications were for the rare delta...
Kai looked up at the doctor, he wanted to demand to see every credential he owned because this was his family on the line, and he would not let a quack touch a hair on Tobias' head if he wasn't certifiable... but, he held his tongue and cordially shook the man's hand. Kai stood up and helped Tobias stand as well, supporting him around the back.

Once the doctor started walking, Kai waited until he was just out of earshot "No matter what happens when we go in there, Toby... I just want you to know, I'm still going to be here... I love you, and I'm not going anywhere." Kai whispered, kissing Tobias firmly on the lips before resuming to follow the doctor toward the exam room.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Dr. Kazuma would happily show every credential he had if it put a patient or their significant others at ease. He knew that his field was relatively new. Many omegas and the few rare deltas were forced to see regular doctors for pregnancy concerns. He was trying to get more directed treatment specifically for males capable of pregnancy.

Tobias felt weak, the cramps seemed to suck the strength out of his legs. He looked up at Kai and gave him a smile, leaning into the kiss. "Thank you. Love you." He muttered before they started to walk, finding the doctor waiting by some wheelchairs at reception.

"It will be easier on him to sit." Said the doctor, motioning to one of the chairs, which Tobias accepted and sat down so Kai could push him. He lead them quietly down a hall and through some doors to a much quieter wing of the hospital. "I know this is difficult, for both of you, but its unfortunately common for Deltas. I will help you both in every way I can." He said, looking back at the couple before gesturing to an exam room. "I'll leave you two for a moment. Please put on the gown. I may need to run some tests and scans, alright?" He said, giving them both a smile before closing the door.

Tobias kicked off his sneakers and tugged his shirt off before standing slowly. His belly seemed just a bit more pronounced, but had a more bloated shape...possibly swelling. He dropped his pants and underwear, going pale when he saw the bloody towel. "Shit....god... its....fuck." he muttered, at a loss for words as he placed a hand on his belly...
Kai was right there with Tobias the entire time, pushing him through the halls and then once in the exam room. He had a hand on Tobias' back, keeping him upright... When Tobias pulled his pants and underwear though, his entire face went pale and he whimpered mournfully - that much blood, there was no way that this child was going to make it. "Toby..." his voice was a whine and he knew it, but he just didn't care.

Was he ready to be a father? No, not really. But had he started accepting that this was his destiny? Absolutely. He loved this child, their unborn child, more than anything... And now they were most likely going to be losing the child. Kai helped Tobias into the gown and then, instead of letting him get up onto the exam table, he pulled Tobias into his arms and, with tears riding down his cheeks, he kissed Tobias' forehead "We'll get through this..."

He didn't know how much weight his promise held, but he knew that no matter what - He would be with Tobias through it all, and maybe one day, they could try again... He just didn't know what to expect right now, didn't really know what else to say except for to continue reassuring Tobias that they would be alright and that they'd figure everything out, depending on how the doctor's exam went.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias' gaze shifted up to meet Kai's when he whined, his own eyes already watery with tears. He knew what the pain was his body trying to get rid of something....get rid of the fetus...he let Kai slip the robe on him, wrapping his arms around him as he was pulled into the embrace. He sniffled and buried his face against the man's shoulder.

A gentle knock on the door signaled the doctor's return. He peeked his head in to see Tobias climbing onto the exam table. He also saw the bloody towel. "Oh, my." He muttered, slipping into the room and closing the door. "I'm just going to feel around, okay?" He said, waiting for a nod before moving to gently feel around Tobias' abdomen. He took note of how tender the area was, frowning. "I'm going to need an internal exam." He said, helping Tobias to shift while he set up stirrups at the end of the table. With his feet up and gown down for modesty, the doctor used a speculum to check inside, making sure to talk to him and explain the procedure. He gave a sad sigh, setting the device on a tray, the shiny metal covered in blood. "It pains me to say this...but the cervix is dilated, theres nothing I can do. I can prescribe medication for the pain and swelling, and to help ensure everything comes out to prevent infection. I can assure you that sex didnt cause this. It's usually a genetic defect. Something in the fetus just...goes wrong. I'm sorry." He said, his voice holding sincerity and sadness. He hated seeing anyone lose a pregnancy.

Tobias went ghostly white, eyes welling up as he made a choked sound, reaching for Kai. He didnt realize until that moment how attached he'd gotten to the potential life within him....and now it was gone.
Kai was immediately at Tobias' side, arms wrapped around him protectively. He pressed several kisses into Tobias' hair as tears slid down his face - he didn't care that there was another person in the room, that the tender and sensitive side he usually reserved only for Tobias was showing; his mate was in pain, he was in pain.

The moment the doctor came into the room, Kai knew that there would be no good outcome. Kai's heart shattered and fell to the floor of the exam room when the doctor only confirmed their worst fears - they had lost their child, through no fault of their own, but still... the life they had created together, even if on accident at first, was gone...

Kai could hardly breathe, with tears constantly running down his face and soaking into the top of Tobias' head... He had no idea what to say, or how to comfort his mate, or even himself - They were completely out of their depths with this, and heartbroken because of it as well. This had been an utter and total lose-lose situation for them and there was no fixing it, changing it, turning back the clock... It would have happened, no matter what, even if they could reverse and start it over.

Kai cleared his throat after a few moments and looked at the doctor "What... what are his chances of... getting pregnant and the pregnancy lasting?" He wanted to know, but he also didn't want to seem insensitive, as if they were just replacing the one they had lost "I mean... We may not even... try again... but... if we did..." he shrugged, unable to truly articulate how he felt... He really just wanted to go home and wrap his body around Tobias', cry in private for the loss of their child.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

The doctor remained quiet, only reaching to offer some tissues while the couple dealt with the initial blow the news had hit them with. He had seen this many times, and it was never easier to tell an expecting couple the bad news. He gently removed Tobias' feet from the stirrups, allowing him to sit up and cling to his mate.

Tobias was absolutely devastated. Neither of them were prepared for this. He clung to Kai, his sobbing muffled by his chest. He felt so powerless. Like his body betrayed him. He didnt know what to do now...or how to recover.

Dr. Kazuma nodded at Kai's question, "I understand. Deltas do have a high risk for miscarriages, it's just something at a genetic level. But I have heard of some defying the odds, so it's not impossible. My advice is to heal. Allow yourselves to mourn. And when you are ready, come see me. I'll make sure everything is okay." He said, giving them a smile.
Kai rubbed Tobias' back in soothing circles, his nose buried deep into Tobias' hair as he let a few of his own broken sobs loose. He couldn't speak to the doctor any further, not when he was at such a loss for what to say. He didn't even know what to do, except for hold and comfort Tobias.

The doctor left them alone, saying he would be back in a bit with discharge papers and the prescriptions that they could fill out here at the hospital pharmacy.

Kai lifted Tobias' head gently from his chest, smoothing away the tears with the pad of his thumb "Tobi... I..." he croaked and shook his head, pressing his forehead against Tobias' - their tears mingling and mixing on each other's cheeks - "I am so sorry, baby... I..." he didn't know what else to say, other than how sorry he was -- He felt a bit relieved, too, knowing that he and Tobias' morning activities had not been the cause, but next time - if they ever tried this again - he knew he would be too afraid to have sex again while Tobias was pregnant, he wouldn't risk it, even if the doctor's said it wasn't their fault.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

It felt like forever until Kai lifted his head, looking up at him with reddened eyes, wet with tears. "Its not your fault....or mine....its" he said, sighing softly. He moved to get dressed, finding the doctor had left some lines for his underwear, which was least he wouldnt make a mess. He put one in his underwear and put them on, making a face at how it felt like a diaper.

"Let's get the meds and go home." He said, looking up at Kai once he was dressed. He moved to the wheelchair, settling into it so Kai could push him to the hospital pharmacy.
Kai nodded silently and began pushing Tobias through the halls of the hospital - they signed the discharge paperwork, collected the prescriptions and found the pharmacy with easy-to-use directions. Once the drugs were filled, Kai pushed the wheelchair out of the hospital and toward his car.

He helped Tobias into the passenger seat and then kissed his head "You don't want to stop and get anything to eat or something before we head home?" he asked quietly, leaning against the door lightly.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias was quiet as they moved through the hospital, signing the paperwork as needed. He just wanted to sleep....sleep for days, sleep away the empty feeling he had inside...anything to escape. But he also knew none of that would help.

He climbed into the car a sighed, looking at Kai. He shrugged, closing his eyes. "I dunno...I'm okay with whatever." He said, giving him a tired look
Kai had only been trying to help with the suggestion of food - but he knew that it wouldn't help... He too was not feeling very hungry. So he nodded and shut the door, moving to get into the driver's seat.

The ride back was silent, and just like the ride to the hospital, Kai kept a constant hand on Tobias' body, rubbing up and down his leg in soothing patterns. They got to the cabin and Kai quickly got out, and to the passenger side. He lifted Tobias out of the car and held him close, kissing his forehead "We'll just go sleep, then." he needed it too, to help him get through this pain in his chest.

Kai carried Tobias inside and straight to the bedroom, he didn't care that there were no sheets, he just laid the man down, got in behind him and pulled the comforter over both of their bodies -- They both needed this. To just be together with each other. Kai held Tobias close, rubbing his stomach softly and letting more tears than ever before fall from his eyes -- He was rubbing right where their child had once been growing, thriving for life.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias remained quiet, sitting with his eyes closed. When they got home, he was glad Kai carried him in, wrapping an arm around him and resting his head on the man's shoulder. He relaxed when he was placed on the bed, shifting to get comfortable when Kai settled behind him. He reached to stop his hand, just letting it rest over his belly...mostly because the area was tender.

A few months passed, tobias got over the loss. It hurt, but he survived and it allowed him and Kai to get to know each other more before they would have a kid. He enjoyed being with him, but he wanted to work, so he went into town while Kai was away, looking into some of the local shops to find a job...forgetting the risk of being caught by Kai's father...
Devlin watched as the young man strolled through the town, seemingly without a care in the world - He had heard from town gossip that his son had been sleeping with this... Tobias character, for months now, and not once had they been introduced. He heard a lot of the rumors, and knew all of them were true as well.

Devlin found out, exactly, what Tobias was through medical records - the rarest of them all - a Delta. They would make fine children, he knew. Devlin Cole wanted Tobias Garou for himself, to breed him and make more children than any of the other Omega's he had back at the stables.

Devlin made sure his presence was known by Tobias, not wanting to startle the man - of course - and he smiled winningly down upon the young man "Mr. Garou - I am deeply disappointed that we have not met formally yet. Are you not dating my one and only son?" that was a lie, straight from his mouth -- he had a lot of children, most of them running around the town square right now. He did not acknowledge them as his children though, as they were just bred to keep the population of shifters strong in their community.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias paused when he caught that scent...similar to Kai's, but more mature...he knew right away it was Kai's father, and he remembered what the other had told him about the older man. He kept himself calm, looking to Devlin.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He said, acting casual. He knew he smelled of Kai, no doubt having a subtle scent of one who had been bred. But there was no child...and Tobias knew he would go back into heat soon. But he wouldnt allow himself to be intimidated by this man.

"We've been dating. I dont come into town that often, quite a ride." He chuckled, putting his hands into his pockets. "I guess he's waiting for something. Maybe a holiday." He said, giving a shrug. He wouldnt let on that he knew the truth...he would just be nice to him.

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