Growing Pains (closed with TigerWolf)

"For the duration of this class, you are a family. We expect you to act like one. Now, if that's all, good day," he said, smiling a bit and heading down the hallway.

After shaking off the shock of the professor's revelation, Janel grabbed Sam by the arm and chased after their teacher. "Wait! I have one more question!"

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

Now a bit annoyed, the professor turned around and raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" he asked with little patience in his voice.

Janel almost backed off and hid behind Sam. But she really wanted to know this. "I heard a rumor that girls are supposed to wear empathy bellies for day once their partner reaches the final week. Is that true?"

(Just an idea)

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

The professor pursed his lips. "We are not sure if that will be implemented. It will be discussed at a later meeting. Now, I must be going," he said, turning to walk away.

Sam looked over to Janel. "Well that went well."

Janel's free hand rose to her neck and gently caught the scarf's ends between two fingers. "Yeah. But its over now so we can go home if you want." She couldn't let Sam know how she truly felt. That she wished for lightning for to strike and erase her from the face of the Earth, that she was more than embarrassed and having 'that' kind of day now. He was her pregnant partner not her actual husband.

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

"How about we grab lunch before the kids get home? You need a pick me up," he said, leading her outside.

Janel nodded and gave Sam a small yet grateful smile as the silk scarf slipped from her fingers. "All right, but you choose where go ok."

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

"How about..."

(Do you want to skip a bit, maybe to where they first notice his bump?)


Janel gave his shoulder a soft nudge. "Anywhere you want." She was giving him the choice because they were partners and because Sam knew his current diet best.

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

Three weeks later had brought Janel and Sam to the beginning of the second trimester. The pregnancy really hadn't been on their minds, what with the older children and their busy lives, but a moment in the bathroom of the house was going to change that.

Sam was brushing his teeth, absentmindedly running a hand down his front, when he suddenly froze. "Janel!" he called, spitting out the toothpaste and hastily rinsing his mouth.

3 minutes would pass before a triple knock would be heard against the closed bathroom door. "Are you decent? Can I come in?" Janel politely inquired as she stood on the other side. She was a little nervous and curious about why Sam had called her name during his private time.

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

(Sorry, had stuff to do the last couple days)

Sam opened the door wordlessly, almost pulling her in before grabbing her hand and placing it on his bare stomach as he rolled up his shirt. "Feel it?" he asked.

(It's ok. I'm the same way sometimes.)

Everything happened so fast that Janel first missed the point of Sam's actions. She couldn't figure out what 'it' was and was frozen in absolute shock. After living together for weeks, raising two perfect kids, attending meetings side by side and sharing the same bed, neither male nor male had initiated any kind of level two touch. Yet here Janel was, her hand actually touching her partner's bare stomach after he placed it there to feel.To feel...Oh No way. "Sam is that?!" She risked moving her fingers and pressing down gently against the bump to confirm its existence and try to feel just how big their little one had grown.

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

"Yeah..." he said quietly, smiling. He hadn't even considered that Janel might've been uncomfortable, but the fact that the baby was becoming visible was going to add a whole new dynamic to their upcoming project. "I felt it just now."

Janel was practically doing cartwheels in her head. She had wanted to do this, to be allowed to touch his pregnant stomach, since day one but withheld her request to respect Sam's personal space. "This is amazing Sam! Our baby's really growing in there!" She bit her tongue after that, not wanting Sam to take it the wrong way and think she was calling him fat, and carefully ran her fingers back and forth over the bump while staring at Sam's belly in awe.

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

Sam laughed a bit, tickled by Janel's fingers. "It's not much, Janel, just a bit of a bump. You'll certainly have more to touch in about a month and a half," he said.

Janel stilled her fingers but did not pull away from the warmth of his bare skin. "For the record, you said that not me." She playfully teased her partner before looking up at with bright eyes filled with hope and adoration for the either the baby or its carrier or both. "But since you seem to be ok with your current size, would you mind if I take a quick picture of our youngest son or daughter?" The brunette inquired softly hoping that they were at the point in their co-parent relationship that Sam wouldn't be completely freaked out by such a request and possibly say yes.

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

Sam looked a bit puzzled. "There's not much there... but okay. What do you want me to do?" he asked.

" Hmm.." Janel turned her green gaze back down to partner's abdomen and the tiny bump it now held. The brunette knew she wasn't a professional photographer by any measure but seeing her partner's bare midriff gave the female an idea she hoped would work. "Could you lean back against the sink?.. Or would that be uncomfortable for you?"

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind..or forgotten.....
Even when they die and leave you behind...

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