The Cave (closed)

Alex continued to grip Hitsugi's shoulders, their laboring midsections still pressed against each other. As his friend cried out in pain, the other hybrid shakily moved one hand to try stroking Hitsugi's belly. He looked down briefly, and saw the first young bulging out of his friend's canal. The color drained from his face, but the hybrid simply took a breath and tried to calm himself.

"Just...breathe." He continued to coach his friend, as he felt another sharp contraction of his own. "P-push as hard as you can...w-when you feel it coming!"

Hitsugi nearly roared as he pushed, trying to focus on anything other than pain. Instead, he tried to focus on the stimulation to his prostate, closing his eyes tight as each contraction brought a bizarre wave of pleasure. He leaned against Alex more, adjusting his position as he pushed as hard as he could, feeling the creature reach its thickest point. Then came the abrupt feeling of it sliding out of him in one smooth motion, landing on the floor with a small wet slap. He could only sit there and tremble for a few moments before shifting back to look at what just came out of him.

He made a horrified noise at the twisted creature...It had a bulbous round head, much like a human newborn...but instead of a face, it had a pushed in snout, like a pug...bearing the buds of sharp teeth inside its mouth. Two nubby horns sat on its brow, one over each eye, just big enough to make a small bump in the skin...And the body, somewhere between newborn baby and hairless puppy...It gasped and snorted, coughing up some fluid before making a gurgling cry... Hitsugi didn't know what to do, it was still attached by an umbilical cord...and he knew he still had more within him. "F-fuck...."

Once again, Alex felt the color drain from his face as he looked at the creature that Hitsugi had just birthed. It began to wail loudly, making both hybrids cringe at the sound. Alex however shakily moved himself forward, and used his sharp claws to cut the child's umbilical cord, before gently setting it off onto the nest like structure of pillows.

Alex gasped however, as a sharp pain tore through his body, forcing his legs apart and making him curl forward. "Ugh..URNGH!" He groaned loudly, feeling a squirming sensation between his legs as he struggled to bear down.

Hitsugi wanted to say something when Alex moved to help him, but could only whimper and shudder. His body was giving him a small window to rest. He was absolutly drenched in sweat and exhausted, but thankfully his middle seemed much smaller now. Hopefully he only had two of those horrible creatures in him. He watched the newborn wiggle and squirm on the pillows, its eyes and ears closed like a newborn animal. It eventually rolled onto its belly, head tilted back to rest its chin on its front....paws? it seemed content like that and settled down.

Hitsugi's attention quickly turned back to Alex, moving to help support him, one hand rubbing his belly as he tried to breathe through his contractions.

Alex's breaths quickly became a heavy pant, and his whole body seemed to shake. His skin prickled with sweat and nerves, as he felt the squirming in his canal practically forcing his opening apart. The hybrid's one hand moved to his tight sphere of a belly, while the other gripped the side of the bed the pair had shared. The sensations he was feeling were so alien, so intense that he couldn't seem to focus on anything, or even speak. Instead, Alex looked to Hitsugi with some desperation and began to push, hoping that the creature inside him would be born sooner rather than later.

Hitsugi moved himself closer to Alex, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him close. His body shook with his own contractions, but he focused on Alex. Both hands rubbed his back and sides, hoping to help him relax a little.

"Breathe." Was the only word he could manage, telling himself as much as coaching Alex. His hands faltered as his next offspring moved into his birth canal, making him whimper and cling to Alex. The second was a little easier than the first, quickly sliding down to his opening, but the conflicting signals from his body made him shudder so hard he threatened to collapse...all he managed was to whimper his friend's name between harsh panting breaths.

Alex nodded his head, hearing his friend speak. He shuddered for a moment, feeling the strange combination of pleasure and pain as he pushed. After a few strong pushes, the hybrid finally felt some progress. His face turned bright red, partly from his exertion and partly out of embarrassment at the strange things his body seemed to be doing. Still, Alex felt a bit better seeing that Hitsugi was reacting in a similar way, so he too tried to comfort his friend.

Soon, after letting out a particularly loud and pained sounding grunt, Alex felt some small measure of relief, and looked down to see his own strange child on the floor, still attached to his body by its umbilical cord and crying softly. In one swift motion, the hybrid gently picked up the child, as he tried to catch his breath and cleaned it off, cutting the cord before settling it down with Hitsugi's first in the nest.

Hitsugi kept his head on Alex's shoulder, just as embarrassed by his own body's reactions. He fought to keep himself steady as he pushed, grunting and whimpering between breaths. Clinging to his friend as if life depended on it.

But when Alex had to pull away to deal with his own offspring, Hitsugi couldn't keep upright. He suddenly fell back, giving Alex full view of the crowning head of his offspring, as well as his dripping erection. He cried out as he pushed, getting the head past the widest point and pushing himself to an explosive orgasm. The sensation of the creature sliding out of him only made it more intense.

After a moment of panting and listening to the newborn's gurgling cries, he managed to get upright to deal with the cord and moving it to the nest. Once done, he flopped back on the floor, pulling his legs together and panting to catch his breath. His belly was much flatter, but there was one last part he forgot about....the afterbirth. The yolk of the eggs had become a sort of primitive placenta and still needed to pass.

Hitsugi was too exhausted to actively push any more, letting the contractions do all the work...

Alex had tried to look away from Hitsugi out of respect for his friend, but somehow couldn't turn his gaze away from the sight of him pushing out his offspring. The climax itself was also a very odd sight, but the hybrid himself wasn't too put off at the sight. If anything, it only seemed to highlight his own body's peculiar sensations, as the second child dropped low into his canal, pressing against his prostate and forcing Alex to feel his strange arousal intensifying between his contractions as his cock pressed into the underside of his laboring middle.

The hybrid shakily propped his back against the bed, and spread his legs as wide as he could physically manage. After taking a deep breath, he shut his eyes tightly, and bore down, his hips rocking back and forth in the process. His canal bulged painfully, forcing a whimper to escape his lips as he felt the offspring move slowly.

Hitsugi shifted himself closer to Alex, groaning with his continuing contractions. He watched the hybrid lean back against the bed, eyes lowering to his bulging opening and aching erection. Despite his exhaustion, he felt a pang of arousal, quickly growing hard again as he watched Alex push.

In an effort to distract himself, and possibly distract Alex from the pain, Hitsugi got up on all fours and moved even closer. He ducked his head and leaned in, running his pierced tongue over the head of Alex's erection. He moaned softly, finding his taste not unpleasant, before taking him into his mouth and suckling on his tip.

Alex practically jumped in surprise at Hitsugi's actions. A moan still escaped his lips however, and he parted his legs a bit wider to accommodate Hitsugi. The hybrid arched his back and felt his skin prickling from his arousal. All the while, the head of the next hybrid child pressed itself against his prostate only making everything feel even more intense.

In no time at all, Alex seemed to be completely oblivious to anything else around him. It was almost like had had been during his heat, only very, very different. Still intense, just not quite as urgent as before. The hybrid's claws soon scratched the floor, as his hips began to sway ever so slightly. He then felt his back arch and he stifled a cry as his pleasure peaked. At almost the same time, the head of the child in his canal crowned, spreading Alex wider than he'd ever thought possible.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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