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"I...I am!" Shouted Tobias, straining so hard his face was red and veins began bulging on his forehead. He collapsed back as the contraction passed, trying to catch his breath before the next one...When it hit, he grunted and pushed as hard as he could, feeling the baby's head inch to its widest point, then suddenly pop free. He gasped sharply, quickly recovering to push the rest of it out. A little boy, completely human.
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Chris quickly cuts the cord and cleans the babies airways as it begins to cry. Chris wrapping it up in a towel after cleaning it off.
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Tobias was surprised when he saw the baby, "wait....that....that's not a pup." He stuttered, looking confused. But he didn't have time for that. The next one was ready to go.
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"I can see that" Chris gets the baby cleaned off laying it down beside the bed
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Tobias grunts and pushes the second one down, closing his eyes tight. He panted as it passed, looking at his first born. "But...why?" He asked. He didn't understand much about werewolves yet, so he didn't know that they could birth humans...
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"Not all offspring of a turned wolf are pups, there is a reason we have a human form as well as a wolf form" Chris grabs a bottle of water from the bedside table before bringing it over to Tobias so he could take a sip or two.
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Tobias took the bottled water, taking a few big gulps of it before handing it back. "Th-there's a difference?" He asked before being cut off by another contraction. He strained and pushed, growling deeply as his wolf side showed through. He couldn't change fully, but aspects would bleed into his human form.
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"Yes, in time you will learn to control each at will" Chris' eyes flash golden for a second as he watches Tobias work through the next contraction.
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Tobias opened his eyes just enough to see Chris' eyes flash gold. His own flashed a brighter blue before he closed them again and pushed. "Nngh...this isn't working..." He panted, struggling to get up into a kneeling position over the towels. spreading his legs and placing his hands on the bed, he bore down with a low growl, feeling gravity help the second pup down.
He didn't realize that if he had been in wolf form, he would have killed the human baby. It was weak compared to his pups and couldn't hunt. But once it was old enough, it could be turned and would simply be the runt.
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Chris moves so that his hand is running over Tobias' back. Chris' hand runs along Tobias' back slowly, the other males body tensing with another contraction as his back arches up into Chris' hand.
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Tobias panted harshly, making a soft noise as Chris rubbed his back. "Nnh....lower." he muttered, reaching back to show him where his back hurt. "Aah-aaahh!" He cried out as the second pup started to crown, bearing down with his contraction and trembling harder.
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Chris moves his hand where Tobias shows him, massaging his lower back lightly in an attempt to help with the pain. "Breath through the next one, it's crowning"
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Tobias got his breathing under control, taking slow deep breaths through his next contraction. When it passed, he hesitantly reached between his legs, feeling how far out the pup was. He closed his eyes and pushed again, digging his fingers into the sheets. He gasped sharply when the head popped free, the body easily following as he reached down to guide it out. It was the first time he held a newborn pup, still attached by its umbilical cord. He took a towel and gently dried it off, getting a loud whine from the squirming newborn. But his body didn't let him enjoy the moment, forcing him to pass the bundle to Chris as he pushed the next one down.
But this one felt off. It didn't slide down, it just added pressure..."'s stuck..." he panted, not realizing the next pup was presenting sideways...
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Chris takes the pup from Tobias, him cleaning it off a little more before moving to lay it down on the bed, umbilical cord still attached as Tobias' words echoed in his mind. He moves to sit down on the bed before moving Tobias into a kneeling position, placing Tobias' hands on his shoulders as Chris' hands move along his stomach.
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Tobias winced as his body tried to push the stuck pup, whimpering softly. He let Chris move him, glancing to the squirming pup still connected to him. "Aah-aaah." He gasped as Chris felt around his belly, the other pups inside him getting in the way. He arched his back, pushing his belly out more.
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Chris' hands move around Tobias' stomach for a minute or two, it tightening quite a bit under his hands. He moves his hands down to the underside of Tobias' stomach, it hanging quite low on the bed even though Tobias was kneeling.
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Tobias winced more, feeling his body trying to push so hard. It was taking everything he had to resist bearing down with each contraction. Fingers dug into Chris' shoulders as he cried out in pain, the stuck pup not wanting to budge.
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Chris' hands move to the inside of Tobias' thighs, massaging lightly for a minute or two
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Tobias bit his lip as Chris massaged his inner thighs, shifting his weight slightly. "Wh-what are you doing?" He asked before groaning through another fruitless contraction.
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"Trying to help" After a few minutes with still no luck Chris drops his hands from where they were resting on Tobias' stomach once again.